Toropets, the aftermath. Windows were blown out in 3km radius and earthquake monitoring stations registered what sensors thought was a 2.8 magnitude earthquake in the area.

Toropets, the aftermath. Windows were blown out in 3km radius and earthquake monitoring stations registered what sensors thought was a 2.8 magnitude earthquake in the area.

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. Didn’t just break windows in that school, it blew the entire frame out… were those reinforced glass of some sort?
    Just a tate of what ruzzia does to others

  2. what the hell kinda building codes do they follow to install windows? The glass did not break. The foam that held it in let loose. They are horrible builders too.

  3. I can’t wait to see the aftermath images of the depot itself. Hoping to see hi-res satellite images at least.

  4. They’re either really shit at fixing the windows in Russia or they only make reinforced glass. It’s not the first explosion I’ve seen leaving the windows basically intact but failing to remain attached to the wall.

    I’m assuming they’re doing a shit job with the windows though, as with everything else.

  5. I guess you shouldn’t have built the ammo dump so close to a fucking school then. What did you expect would happen.

  6. “All the windows were blown out as you can see”, while standing next to a wall with no windows, and distant windows that are barely visible.

  7. Word of advice don’t send your loved ones to school next to a weapons depot. Is this where the little ones minds are turned to mush filled with government bullshit.

  8. And the lesson was….get the hell out of Ukraine – not much learning going on in Russia though so doubt it will sink in

  9. Tell your people there is a war against a slavic neighbor folk which your president has started. 12000 Ukrainian civilians died so far. Over 1000 are children. FUCK YOU, YOUR PRESIDENT, THE RUSSKI MIR, THE RED ARMY AND FUCK YOUR WINDOWS TOO.!

  10. What a dummy… let me show you the damage as I swivel around from a distance and point the camera at my mug. The last 5 seconds were really all that was needed.

  11. Russian munitions even destroy schools on their own soil.

    What makes you think you can build such a depot near a city?

  12. The windows are still whole, whole frame is out.

    Seen several videos where the whole frame is out, this is disastrously poor construction anyway!

  13. Serves them right, i hope the whole town suffers badly, so these people will all somehow contribute to getting rid of Putin in one way or another. Be it voting, be it a coup, be it just spreading negative energy aroun the current regime, every little bit helps.

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