Sounds like DEI

Sounds like DEI

Posted by Current_Health_3386

  1. The GOP has done terrible harm to our nation due to the extreme anti-democratic nature of the Senate that allowed them to seize underserved power and enact the tyranny of the minority

  2. Why is Alabama facing the wrong way?

    I mean, I get why figuratively…but I’m talking about in this cartoon. 😐

  3. If republicans really hated diversity, equity, and inclusion they would be furious about the US senate. Turns out they are just racist.

  4. Who would have thought a bunch of slave owners would set up a system that gives more power to the wealthy minority of people?

  5. Maybe I’m stupid, and not that I disagree with the sentiment of the post, but isn’t this the reason why there’s a house of representatives? So that there is a place where power is represented through the size of the population?

  6. Six states don’t even have 1 million people total. And Montana is jut over 1 million.

    Wyoming – 576,851.
    Vermont – 643,077.
    Alaska – 733,391.
    North Dakota – 779,094.
    South Dakota – 886,667.
    Delaware – 989,948.

    I think we should cut them down to one Senator each.

  7. As much of a problem as the electoral college is (only 1 republican Presidential candidate has won the popular vote in 36 years) the fact that Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakota control 20% of the Senate is mind-blowing.

  8. Man this sub sure hates minorities whenever this topic gets brought up.

    Yeah, it actually is DEI. With the same purpose and everything, to make sure minority voices get disproportionate representation. That’s the full intention of the system.

    The problem isn’t the electoral college. The problem is despite how it’s characterised like it’s some tiny fringe group, 47% of people in the US support trump. The fact is half the country is either stupid or evil and changing the rules so the Dems always win isn’t going to fix that.

  9. I like the idea of splitting CA into 3 states.

    4 more Senators, 2 more governors, and a lot more love

  10. It’s quite peculiar to consider how our government functions. State borders are, after all, fairly arbitrary. Take North and South Dakota for example—are they truly so distinct that they merit four senators between them, when their total population is just 4% of California’s, a state represented by only two senators?

  11. The House needs to be adjusted for the population growth of the country as well, I don’t care about some arbitrary ‘manageable number’ of members — it needs to be representative.

  12. They did it so the slave states would say yes to the constitution, the amount of compromises they did to keep the southern states happy was and still is ridiculous

  13. Affirmative action for red states and white Christians is absolutely OK with MAGA. Ask them and they will give you a list of ethnicities and colors for which they cannot brook favorable treatment as long as it’s not them.

  14. Changing the rules so they get the advantage is the Republican way. They cannot win when all things are fair. Republicans are a dying party and I hope it speeds up.

  15. Subsidies for farmers and permanent tax breaks for the ultra rich. Republicans are socialists but only for the base.

  16. Tennessee standing up is great. But they missed the opportunity to anthropomorphize the great square state of Wyoming.

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