Paging The Hague: Israel’s Exploding Electronics Might Be War Crimes

Paging The Hague: Israel’s Exploding Electronics Might Be War Crimes

Paging The Hague: Israel’s Exploding Electronics Might Be War Crimes

Posted by _AegonTarg

  1. They were criticized for not targeting Hamas well enough. Now they target Hezbolah very specifically and are criticized. Yes, it wasn’t perfect, but way better than bombing whole buildings. Certainly much better than lobbing rockets randomly, like Hezbolah is doing.

  2. They are at war with Hezbollah. When one side shoots rocket at the other indiscriminately, the world doesn’t bet an eye, and when the other side retaliate by planning precise strikes that doesn’t target anyone but the enemy combatant, the media start crying war crime.

  3. Does it even matter?
    Have there been any conflicts in the last century in which war crimes have not been committed?

    Does anyone of consequence ever actually get in trouble for them?

    Don’t see too many world leaders or warlords or terrorists hanging out in international courts.

  4. Israel is built upon decades of war crimes. It should be no surprise at this point that they would stage attacks like this without any concern for collateral damage.

  5. How much more discrimination can there be? You had to be issued the pager by Hezbollah, a non state designated terrorist outfit. What means would be acceptable to target them? Bombing from the air? Artillery?

    Face it, some people just want Israel to not strike back, ever.

  6. There’s a million things to criticize Israel for, starting with crooked Bibi and his genocidal cabinet. But unsurprisingly people will be criticizing them for the things they don’t deserve, like conducting a legal targeted reprisal attack against a foreign armed millitia.

  7. I will never get this weird obsession with caring and fondling internationally recognized terrorist organizations who commit every war crime under the sun while giving them free passes to do as they wish because they’re not “state actors”

    This is the type of attitude that keeps terrorists bend international law to their own will to wage unconventional war and abuse it when they face the obvious consequences.

  8. I honestly think we are at the stage where the only way to have wars where everyone agrees that everything was done to their non-military expert standards of appropriateness is to go back to Napoleonic battlefields. Good luck getting that done but at least it would fit the arbitrary sense of properness and minimize double standards applied to various sides.

  9. I didnt know Hezbollah was a state actor that signed the Geneva convention? I guess we charging them with their indiscriminate rocket attacks targeted at civilians?

  10. Might be?! It is definitely a war crime. It’s also state-sponsored terrorism. It is also a violation of the Vienna Convention on International Relations, which protects ambassadors and embassy personnel from attack.

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