I can’t be the only one?

I can’t be the only one?

by joeChump

  1. I remember that, as a child, I always used to nibble all the chocolate off the crunchy bar which really annoyed my mum and she would tell me off.

    I haven’t had one for years but seeing this makes me want to try it again!

  2. Right, I admit I do this, but that right there is ridiculous precision, are you a squirrel?

  3. I do this as well. Same for a kitkat (regular and chunky). Also use to eat around the core of a carrot. The core is the best bit as it’s the sweetest.

  4. Okay so talk us through this. You’ve been sucking on that fucker for a while so essentially after the chocolate is gone you’re left with this sticky, half-dissolved maze of saliva??

  5. Ooh me too but mine snaps way before I get to the bottom.

    Also… where on earth did you find a crunchie so big?

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