UK must boost warship production, says new report

UK must boost warship production, says new report

by MGC91

  1. Nice defence strategy you have there, but I raise you soundbites about a 22bn hole in the budget brought about by our own arbitrary spending rules, and some guff about hard choices.

    Sorry, you’re shit outta luck.

  2. Removal of 25% discount on single home occupiers. Kids who live 3 miles or less from home have to walk or pay for their own transport. No fuel winter payment. Increased prices on food, electric, gas and water yet again.

    But, ohhhhhh how about let’s pay for a f**king war machine!?

    How about…. NO!

  3. I’ve been saying we need to modernise and increase the size of our military for years now. Other countries get away with all kinds of shit because they have a powerful military, we may as well do the same it’s just the world we live in.

    Every government action should be in the interest of the UK, fuck other countries until we sort our own shit out.

  4. Pretty sure in the last year or ao there were reports we didn’t have enough sailors to crew our current ships. Maybe they should bin off capita and get recruitment sorted first.

  5. Shame our defence industry is a blackhole when it comes to money.

    We could double our output with the same input if we have efficient markets and competent customers who don’t keep changing the scope.

  6. British just realised the strength of the bygone empire was built upon exploitation of colonial subjects …..

  7. It’s not just ships for the Royal Navy, we need to be building ships that other countries want to buy. British shipbuilding was never sustained just by the Royal Navy even when it was operating on the two-power standard, it was fuelled by overseas purchases even outside the dominions.

    If BAE can’t make effective designs built to meet broad requirements and be churned out fairly quickly, then whatever the government does won’t save British shipbuilding. 

    Same with tanks. The Challenger 2 was never going to be an export success because it wasn’t good enough to offset the lack of NATO compatibility that the Leo 2 and Abrams had. So we ended up with one export customer, Oman. The Warrior had quite a lot of interest but they decided to fit it with a pop gun from a 1950s armoured car. British military exports since probably the Centurion and the Harrier have been a litany of failures.

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