Starmer’s £100,000 of gifts and tickets – and how it compares to Sunak, Johnson and May

Starmer’s £100,000 of gifts and tickets – and how it compares to Sunak, Johnson and May

Posted by theipaper

  1. Keir Starmer’s declared freebies are much higher than any of his predecessors, and higher than any other MP since 2019

    The Prime Minister is under fresh scrutiny over his pledge to “clean up” politics after it emerged that he has accepted more freebies than any other MP since 2019.

    Since becoming party leader, [Keir Starmer]( has accepted more than £100,000 of perks including tickets to high-profile sporting events, luxury accommodation, and [work attire funded by prominent Labour donor Lord Waheed Alli](

    He has faced criticism over the scale and nature of these gifts, particularly as [Lord Alli was briefly granted access to Downing Street following the 2024 election](

    Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds defended the gifts on Thursday morning, insisting that there are “a number of ways supporters support any political party”.

    Mr Reynolds told Sky New*s*: “Sometimes that’s support for campaign literature, sometimes that’s support for staffing costs, sometimes it’s of more of a personal nature.”

    “But I have no objection to that, and we have very clear rules and transparency in place in this area, so I have no objection to how the system works.”

    He insisted that the gifts the Prime Minister had received while in opposition “relate to his job”, adding: “I know Keir Starmer personally. I know how hard he works.”

    “If he’s going to a football match or anything to give himself a little bit of a wider life experience than just working every second again, I don’t have any objections to that, as long as it’s transparent.”

    # How do Keir Starmer’s gifts compare to other party leaders?

    In the last parliament, Keir Starmer accepted gifts and hospitality worth around £107,000 during his time as party leader, which included tickets to football games and concerts as well as accommodation and clothes.

    The Prime Ministers during the Conservative administration entered No 10 as soon as they became party leaders and did not spend any time in opposition.

    During their stints as Prime Minister, however, Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson and Theresa May did accept some hospitality which was separate from their Government responsibilities.

    Unlike the MP register, the exact value of the hospitality given to ministers is not stated in government transparency data.

    While he was the leader of the opposition, [David Cameron]( declared he had received free private travel by plane and helicopter on over a dozen occasions provided by five different companies, the total value of which was upwards of £60,000.

    He also declared several gifts which included [Rugby World Cup]( tickets, some personal training sessions and gift baskets from donors.

    Ed Miliband declared a handful of gifts while he was leader of the opposition, including business class upgrades and tickets to the [Olympics]( and Paralympics.

  2. Can we just agree it’s neither a good look nor a good precedent to set and have politicians unable to accept gifts? 

  3. I am not allowed to accept gifts in my work and that is to alleviate any fears of bribery. Yet we allow all politicians to accept gifts, the gravy train loves their gravy.

  4. Remember the story about the road sweeper not being able to receive holiday as a gift because it might lead to corruption. 

    One runs the country, one sweeps roads imagine the corruption that road sweeper could muster 

  5. Yet I’m required to declare a £50 bottle of Moet given to me at Christmas by a contractor. Sitting MP’s should be banned from accepting “gifts” and having personal interests outside their job. Their job is the serve the public yet many of them use it to line their own pockets.

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