Republicans Cry Foul as Stock Market Soars Following Fed’s Interest Rate Cut

Republicans Cry Foul as Stock Market Soars Following Fed’s Interest Rate Cut

Republicans Cry Foul as Stock Market Soars Following Fed’s Interest Rate Cut

Posted by inewser

  1. They want America to suffer. They are literally worse for America than Al Qaeda on 9/11/2001.

  2. Except for Trumps stock, DJT. Like a giant boulder rolling down a mountain, it’s heading for zero value, and fast.

  3. Foul!? You cretins haven’t done shit for America since the EPA was formed. I know it must be strange when a President and governmental party actually does shit for their constituents. Especially considering you don’t have any policies other than Tax cuts for rich fucks.

  4. Powell’s statement in how good the economy is should just be packaged as a campaign ad for Harris. Bidenomics indeed!!!!!

  5. Republicans love to root against their own country while pretending to be patriotic.

    As someone from the left, if Trump was elected and actually did great things and the Republicans actually improved the lives of the citizens of this country I would be very happy about that, not mad that it might hurt “my team.” Unfortunately we all know that wouldn’t happen.

  6. Wow. Just, wow. 

    To a Republican, everything is “politically motivated”.

    Drop the interest rate to manage the economy? NO! 

    Pass meaningful border legislation? NOT A CHANCE.

    Finish important infrastructure projects? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

    Make voting easier? ARE YOU CRAZY?

    Cure cancer? NOT ON OUR WATCH! 

  7. Translation for the Magas …The current administration only acted responsibly to piss off tRump and make him look bad before the election…

  8. So lemme get this straight. Economy bad, the Democrats are responsible. Economy good, Democrats are not responsible. The reverse is the case if there is an (R) in the White House?

  9. Sign off on historic government pandemic funding (and remove the oversight) which helped cause this situation…then complain about it. Typical GOP playbook. They should try praying harder

  10. Fact is, globally speaking the Biden administration has done a better job than the vast majority of the countries in maneuvering through the post Covid economy.

    They’re who I would trust to keep this momentum going.

  11. Meanwhile, House repubs try and fail to crater the economy by shutting down the government (again). And, they’ll probably hold the economy hostage and shut it down anyway.

  12. Just proves they care nothing about America at all. They are a bunch of hypocrites, liars, cheaters and idiots!!!

  13. Repigs hate it when anything good happens. They literally hate the American people. How anyone can be stupid enough to vote for them and still be aware enough to remember to breathe is beyond understanding.

    Republicans **HATE** America.

    Republicans want to **DESTROY** America.

    Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it.

    It very likely does.

  14. From the same chodes who forced through an 11th hr supreme court judge after denying Obama’s even a hearing. Literally a bunch of Francis’s from Peewees Great Adventure

  15. Middle out Biden/Harris plan has strong economy followed by outstanding market. Trump couldn’t hold a candle to the great job this administration has done. Go Blue up and down the ticket in every state. 🌊🌊🌊crush the maga nightmare 🇺🇸

  16. Their entire campaign is based upon selling the fact this country is heading in the wrong direction. If keeping people scared is your only plan you’ve got nothing.

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