Why did Italians do that? Are they stupid?

They had a beautiful country and great food, and went to America to make the same food but slightly worse.

by nicorico-

  1. The Europeans that fled to the US were the weak ones who couldn’t take us on our worst day, so they didn’t deserve us on our best/current day.

  2. Why are we dedicating memes to Yanks?

    It makes them feel important and only validates their “i’m an Italian because one of my great-great-great grandparents came here from Naples in 1909” larping.

  3. Yeah because Italian Americans famously came from South Tyrol! That’s how New York style Schnitzel came to be, and why you got that famous HBO series about Toni Sepperle.

  4. Where I live is basically as flat and unremarkable as Schleswig-Holstein… I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, but not because of the (non-existent) scenery. 

  5. As an Italian who moved to America.

    I did it for a woman.

    If you really knew us, you would know that tira più un pelo di figa che un carro di buoi

  6. Well yes, but actually no. That‘s Austria (around the time most italians decided to move to Murica

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