Film Set Robbery

Our film set was robbed in Walthamstow, luckily got most of it back. They came prepared .

by 10kovako

  1. Wow – they weren’t THAT prepared thank god. Some keystone cops shit from that guy leaping out of the driver’s seat then getting back in. Looks quite a lot like MC Grindah.

  2. lol at that guy throwing his skateboard at the car

    Crazy how criminals are targeting film sets in plain daylight at that

  3. You’re telling me noone grabbed that kid by the legs to drag him out and start kicking him in?

  4. There are two robbers and I can count at least six people in the film crew.

    Was everyone just too polite to give these scumbags what they deserve?

  5. Why does this look so entirely staged. Like when people fake-stomp someone in a movie. Feels off.

  6. Cunts! Wish them the worst! Glad you’re ok though OP, hopefully the old bill will do something about it.

  7. Please report this to the local authority’s Film Office, Met Police Film Unit and Film London. Sorry this happened to you!

  8. Were you filming up Higham Hill yesterday? Think I saw you.

    Apologies this happened.
    You reckon they’re casing the shoot then swooping in? Or just opportunistic?

    We’re hiring security more and more now because of this

  9. People with camera kit in this city are too trusting, sure it’s nice you can leave your £3,000 camera and gimbal set up on the ground in canary wharf while you change outfits but if someone nicks it they won’t chase them or stop them, they’ll just call the police and you’ll be without your gear.

    Nice watch, nice car, nice phone, nice jewellery, nice equipment? You’ll be targetted.

    A professional shoot should have security anyway, they can help with the heavy lifting too.

  10. Oh I thought this was a film set filming a robbery (as part of filming) not a film set getting robbed.

  11. Wait I thought you meant this was part of the shoot. People are really losers! Dumb@sses!

  12. Absolute fucking scum, seeing shit like this activates some deeply troubling opinions in me about crime and punishment.

  13. Thé same idiots who vote for this are usually away from the reality.

    This is your reality dumbasses.

  14. Sorry this happened to you guys, I obviously don’t know what the theme of your shoot is, but can you use this footage in your film?

  15. What cunts but I also had to laugh all them people and they couldn’t get that grab and drag that one guy in the boot

  16. Why do so many people think they have a right to take something they didn’t earn and why do they think someone else should suffer for them?

    I genuinely don’t understand this.

  17. This was so hard to understand at first, but it’s two guys trying to get away while you descend upon them en masse and strip their car down, re-robbing your stuff back in a flash mob and recording them in the act in high def, right?

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