Laut FBI versuchten iranische Hacker erfolglos, Bidens Wahlkampfteam für gestohlene Trump-Informationen zu interessieren

Laut FBI versuchten iranische Hacker erfolglos, Bidens Wahlkampfteam für gestohlene Trump-Informationen zu interessieren

  1. What was the scandal? Did he accidentally treat others with respect or kindness? Did he accidentally show half an ounce of humility? Did he accidentally form a coherent sentence that didn’t segue into praising himself? Did he accidentally fail to praise or show loyalty to Putin or some other dictator? We can all take it easy knowing that he would never do any of the above on purpose and it had to be an accident. ^(/s)

  2. Everything that comes out of his mouth is already a deal breaker to anyone sane. What could the Iranians even offer that would be useful or incriminating to people who need their minds changed?

  3. But then they sold it back to the Trump campaign advertising it as “dirt on the worst US President in history”

  4. Seriously though. What could they possibly have on Trump that would cause him to lose the election?
    There is nothing on earth this man could say or do that would make the majority of his followers abandon the cult.

  5. This reminds me of the story about how the CEO of Pepsi was offered a stolen formula for Coca-Cola.  He wisely turned it down

  6. The dude was photographed with Epstein MULTIPLE TIMES and his cult still loves him. If they have something worse than that just put it out on the Internet already

  7. The downside of getting caught collaborating with the Iranians to scuttle Trump’s candidacy is not worth it. Could have been a trap for all they know. Smart move to walk away.

  8. I get the feeling if I called Trump Campaign and offered… <glances at stack of bills next to my mouse> …’stolen DNC documents’, I’d get put through to someone I know by name.

  9. What could Iran have that would possibly change anyone’s mind or get Trump in to more legal trouble? I mean name a crime or unethical act that he hasn’t committed that we already know about, assume, or have hard evidence of? Nobody cares, and MAGA wears it like an award, unfortunately.

  10. Agent: “He has dozens of active court cases against him, we have proof he doesn’t pay his bills, is a massive fraud, and has committed infidelities! Can you imagine if we leaked this to the American public?”

    Biden Intern: (in the tone of voice you reserve for telling your kid that Barksley isn’t coming back from the vet, ever again) Oh, sweetie . . .

  11. There isn’t anything that some hackers have that will change anything in the election regarding Trump. People already know that:

    Trump Lies

    Trump commits crimes

    Trump only thinks about himself

    Trump lies

    These are the things people already know. If they’re voting for Trump, people know what they are getting.

  12. If Republicans had a shred of morality, Trump’s campaign would have ended the day he mocked a disabled reporter. They have no shame. I doubt whatever info they had on Trump would even matter to those sheep.

  13. Trump runs his mouth so much he’s probably already said everything in public that the hackers stole.

  14. Republicans would -absolutely- not have this same level of ethics. “””Both sides” is bullshit: Democrats are more ethical than republicans.

  15. Why the fuck is the FBI telling us this? Isn’t there some other presidential candidate who did take stolen information on their rival from a foreign source? Why don’t you fucking assholes talk about that unnamed Person 1? 

  16. Nty Iran we have all the info we needed on your friend Russia’s come-to-life RealDoll pretending to be a politician already.

  17. Just a reminder when this happened the other way not only did political organizations post material but so did media companies.

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