Russians Reportedly Shift Military Equipment and Ammo from Crimea to Kursk. According to partisans, this transfer of equipment indicates a shortage of weapons in the Kursk sector, which is being compensated for by moving resources from currently less active frontline areas.

by MaryADraper

  1. Yaaaaaasss.  

    Nothing left to send from inactive stocks?  Can’t refurbish old stuff fast enough?  

    The “Why” almost doesn’t matter. 

  2. Ukraine has pulled this off before, with such a distraction. Getting Crimea back means getting the whole Black Sea back.

  3. All this is evidence that Russia is really under pressure. How long before they openly admit they can’t continue? So they move things around to keep going… but the fact they needed to is a problem, an admission they are close to failing. Maybe they can manage another few months, maybe not.

  4. The problem is that since the beginning of the war this news about russian material and men shortage. But I don’t see any disruption after almost 3 years

  5. Troops and equipment in motion are far more vulnerable. Hopefully very little of that, if any, makes it to Kursk.

  6. Allllll the way from Crimea to Kursk? Transfer from nearly the opposite side of the war front? They have none other closer, in Russia, that they are willing/able to divert to Kursk?? 🤨

  7. This seems kinda odd. I still don’t really buy into the whole “Russian is going to run out of stuff…..[insert time range]”. Seems kinda far to move something, they’re still striking Kharkiv, I would think they would have stuff closer they can use? I’ll have to go check and see what RU milbloggers are saying (or cope) with.

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