Photos from nursing home and geriatric hospital damaged with Russian glided bombs in Sumy city. One 88 year old woman died and 21 people injured

Photos from nursing home and geriatric hospital damaged with Russian glided bombs in Sumy city. One 88 year old woman died and 21 people injured

by BananaBrumik

  1. So sad and painful but they will just blame Ukraine as has become customary for the Russian scum!

  2. Another damn war crime! If you’re in the U.S. flood your representatives social media, and phone lines, it’s time we help untie their hands. Be relentless folks, we won’t stop until they listen!

  3. Jesus h. I’m glad to see the glide bombs aren’t being used to kill Ukrainian soldiers who can then in turn kill fucking Russians… BUT. What the actual fuck.

  4. Olaf? Joe? What’s your opinion on this? Targeting the old and vulnerable… No “red lines” have been crossed?

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