Bus hit residential block in Raynes Park, SW London

No one injured

by nebul8or

  1. Likely pedal confusion, probably from fatigue. It’s been the same for 90% of the other RTCs that have occurred in the past few years. That’s what happens when you degrade drivers’s conditions to a point so low, they’re forced to turn up to work unable to properly make correct decisions. Unlike the railway, bus unions are in complete disarray and useless.

  2. It’s nice that EV buses have speed and torque now as they can get away at the uphill lights really quick and so can I when I’m behind them.

    But.. they are speeding and they are hitting stuff, twice last week in our area, so maybe speed limiters should be considered?

  3. That’s not an Edwardian building is it? .. the steel beam looks too new and the brick doesn’t look quite right. I’m really curious if anyone can help!

  4. Just walked past and pretty sure there’s a postbox under the front of it! At least, that’s where a post box normally is and there’s a big circle under the front of the bus.

  5. End of Prince Georges Ave …glad no one was injured – poor driver ploughed through a post box and straight into the old Diocese of Suffolk.

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