Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass der Markt in Wuhan der Ursprungsort des Covid-19-Ausbruchs war

Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass der Markt in Wuhan der Ursprungsort des Covid-19-Ausbruchs war

  1. What’s great is that we all got to watch in real-time how a propaganda campaign rolls out and comment on it.

  2. “The researchers re-analysed data from 800 samples collected at the Huanan market by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention beginning on 1 January 2020, and also studied viral genomes from the earliest covid-19 cases.

    Team member Ed Holmes at the University of Sydney says Chinese investigators swabbed surfaces, freezers, drains and cages to test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2.”

    Can anyone tell me if the chinese cdc is immune from ccp manipulation? Are they regarded as impartial?

  3. Imagine that’s your stall. Like your little stall caused a worldwide pandemic. Literally leaving a scar on history forever. For the entire world. Like damn what a crazy effect for you to have LOL.

  4. I don’t like that people still fail to acknowledge how this all happen 100 years ago and was expected and predicted to happen by various people before it happened and will undeniably happen again in the future. But some a h have to be graciast at every chance

  5. What is this throwback Thursday? 

    Is disinformation so bad that people haven’t known this for 4 years? 

  6. Laughable, the one market next to the gain of function lab, with muliple safety violations in the past, doing… coronavirus research.

  7. And yet, New Scientist magazine has a low reliability rating within the scientific community. They’ve been caught publishing paid placement articles that have no peer review. I’d tread lightly trusting this as source.

  8. Doesn’t disprove that an infected person could have simply been at the market. Tells us literally nothing expect the virus was close to the source at the market. Which we knew in 2020. Entirely possible it leaked from a lab and the market was the first place it spread. Just saying.

    Idk why a virus origin has become a political issue but there is clear bias in this article.

  9. People dislike actual conspiracies. They only like conspiracies with open ends.

    This article from 2017 goes into the wuhan lab and even highlights concerns:

    “But worries surround the Chinese lab, too. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times,”

    There are real conspiracies that happen every day. People conspire constantly. Trump is conspiring right now, guaranteed. Enron conspired, Bernie madoff conspired, lots of people conspire to get what they want.

    China conspiring to bury a lab leak is not even that far-fetched, as conspiracies go.

  10. So the market, just outside the only lab in the world studying coronaviruses. What a coincidence.

  11. how many times do you have to repeat something before people believe it? it isn’t working,nice try China.

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