IDF trifft bei einer Reihe schwerer Angriffe im Libanon mehr als 100 geladene Raketenwerfer der Hisbollah

IDF trifft bei einer Reihe schwerer Angriffe im Libanon mehr als 100 geladene Raketenwerfer der Hisbollah

  1. Every bit of news about Israel in the the last year, if you think Israel is overdoing it, makes me think: What would the US do if Mexico cartels kidnapped hundreds and killed thousands, shooting crappy rockets into San Diego the whole time, while Canada lobbed rockets in from their side (they would, of course, apologize)?

  2. This has been an insanely action-packed week, like shark week, but instead of sharks we get blown up terrorists.

    I’m fine with that.

  3. Hizballah is getting absolutely bitch smacked this week. For almost a year now we’ve heard ad nauseum about how dangerous they were. And how Israel would have a tough time taking them down. I’m starting to strongly doubt that. I think Israel has a plan, and by this time next year the octopus that is the Islamic Regime will have 2 of its top 3 tentacles chopped off. 

  4. People were like: Hezbollah is not just any ragtag militia, they are organised, well equipped, and stronger than the Lebanese army.

    Israel: Hold my pager.

  5. How is this not a terrorist attack? Hezbollah sets their rockets up in civilian neighborhoods and next to UN buildings, what about the collateral damage from hitting loaded missile launchers?

  6. Something like this should have been expected. One of the first things to do before a major strike is to take out communications.

  7. Iran checking its bank accounts to see if they can cover restocking their Hezbo buddies right about now.

  8. Cant wait to read how hitting those launchers was terrorism because they were located on school/hospital grounds and innocent civilians got hurt!!!1

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