Driver ‘scaring cyclists’ detained for fatal crash

Driver ‘scaring cyclists’ detained for fatal crash

by ProfHibbert

  1. ‘Paul Boden KC, for Willicombe, said his ADHD and “level of immaturity” meant it was “not obvious to him at that time” he risked causing serious injury.’

    Is this man implying that 17 year olds with ADHD shouldn’t be allowed to drive?

  2. What an absolute joke.

    This scum had an ongoing dispute with the victim’s friends.

    This scum drove at them with a motor vehicle, striking the victim and resulting in his death and it gets 8 years in a young offenders institute for manslaughter (article says 10 years but also states 2 of them are for unrelated drugs offences).

    Sorry but anyone who willingly drives at someone and subsequently causes their death should be charged with murder as it is plainly obviously that striking someone with a motor vehicle has a high likelihood of killing them.

    This scum should be serving life in an actual prison.

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