I think I’m going to have to start charging this one some rent.

I think I’m going to have to start charging this one some rent.

by blimeyitsme

  1. When you’re trying to sleep but you can hear them walking across the wall it starts becoming a problem

  2. They are HUGE this year, had a whopper in our bedroom the other night. Ugh, they belong outside not inside!

  3. The big’uns are really quick, and weirdly aggressive I’ve found – at least when I grab a big plastic salad bowl (they do come in handy for something!!) and plop it over and trap against the wall..

    They proper go for you, it’s quite scary just 4mm or so of plastic between you!

    Then I invariably realise I have means of getting it out and my idea of sliding paper or card under is fanciful (and it’s likely out of reach)…
    And, So the dance begins

  4. I’ll happily swap you one monster spider for the three small slugs that somehow found their way in under the patio door…. do these creatures go loopy when they sense the weather changing?

  5. My mate was round last beer night and we both spotted a huge bastard like that run across the living room floor, he was going to kill it but I made him leave it alone. The next day 4 smaller (but still substantial) spiders had climbed up onto the ceiling or high up. They must have been there all along and spotted the Hunter-Killer-Lone-Wolf-Ghost-Recon-Sniper-Special-Forces-Assassin spider and tried to evade. I saved two of the spiders that seemed to be signalling for help and did not run away when I picked them up to put outside, the other two ran so I left them for the big lad.

    As far as I know he still lives in my house somewhere. I just really hope he keeps finding spiders and stuff to eat as I cherish my penis and balls.

  6. Had one yesterday, must’ve let themselves in because there is no gap in my home big enough for Shelob’s mate to just sneak in. Got pretty concerned, the massive git almost climbed out of Henry.

  7. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Spider gets a warm dry home (and not squished), you get a house free of pests too large for the smaller spiders to get.

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