Russlands Kadyrow wirft Musk vor, seinen Cybertruck „aus der Ferne außer Gefecht gesetzt“ zu haben

Russlands Kadyrow wirft Musk vor, seinen Cybertruck „aus der Ferne außer Gefecht gesetzt“ zu haben

  1. On the one hand, this is the kind of grandiose paranoia that seems rampant among Russian oligarchs.

    On the other hand…Musk is the kind of petty child that might actually do this.

  2. Elon has been known to turn off the Tesla features at will. Not surprised if he did it with the cyber truck

  3. Woah woah woah! Let’s not be too hasty! Dictators and their henchmen are still discerning gentlemen with refined tastes who appreciate the “finer things” in life. If they want our ginormous electronic devices I’m sure we can make *special accommodations* for such important customers.

    You know I really think we might be failing to consider the enormous weight and spaces for dialogue between peoples inside the opportune cavities of the cybertruck which could be absolutely jam-packed with goodwill, and genuine expressions of our optimism and excitement for the Russian people to really take charge and lead themselves!


  4. How is it Kadyrov looks more ridiculous with every new photo?

    I’m kind of amazed really. I was sure he’d hit peak-ridiculous.. but.. he just keeps on going.

  5. If Elon Musk was a true patriot he would have locked the doors with Kadyrov inside and made the truck explode.

  6. Oh Ramzan, silly, Elmo doesn’t have to *disable* a Cybertruck in order for it to turn into a brick. That’s just the marvel of Tesla engineering. It’s part of the wonder, like shaking a snow globe for the first time. ‘I wonder…will it start again? Will its fender fall off.’ These are moments you share with all of us who aren’t stupid enough to ever considering owning his products. For this, we thank you!

  7. My company was forced to immediately cancel thousands of accounts and rescind support contracts for tens of millions of dollars worth of hardware in Russia and Belarus.. I felt sorry for the folks who’d bought new stuff, just had it delivered and then tried to download the license codes. At one level anyway. On the other, fuck ruzzia.

  8. This is hilarious considering Kadyrov thanked Musk for giving him the Cybertruck. Obvious bullshit but it’s funny to see it exposed.

    >Claiming to have received the vehicle “from the respected Elon Musk,” the Tesla CEO, Kadyrov praises the features of “this ‘beast'” that “will be of great use to our soldiers.”

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