Der bewaffnete Bodenroboter der Ukraine hat gerade einen russischen Schützengraben in Kursk geräumt

Der bewaffnete Bodenroboter der Ukraine hat gerade einen russischen Schützengraben in Kursk geräumt

  1. Up next, Ukraine’s t-800 infiltrator unit successful gains access to Russian trench, previous version’s rubber skins were to easily spotted…

  2. Best way to test new military technology is in an active war zone. I bet most countries with militaries are watching this war very closely. Will probably change how future wars are fought.

  3. Putin: Deploy our combat robots!

    Ivan: Sir, ours are just our smallest troopers in cardboard boxes painted silver…

  4. > Dodging mines and firing its machine gun in coordination with explosive drones and mortars, the ’bot defeated a small group of Russian soldiers.

    Sounds terrifying.

  5. I wish they had chosen a different name for it, I keep reading in the article that Ukraine has deployed furries.

  6. It’s described at remotely controlled in the article. It’s a drone with wheels instead of propellers.

  7. all thats needed are some charges on it that can be detonated after cessation of function is confirmed.

  8. I remember Russians whining about Ukrainian cyborgs at the Donetsk airport in 2014. Now it has come to pass!

  9. > A Fury has four wheels, a radio for receiving operator commands, video cameras and a remotely-aimed machine gun.

    That’s not a robotic device. That’s a remotely piloted device

  10. Nothing in this article discusses any machine controlling itself. They’re remotely controlled machines.

  11. The Ukrainian War is showing us that war is going back in time. Back to WWI and earlier. It is becoming more hinged on smaller weaponry than the huge murder machines we have become used to.

    You can’t hide in woods because rather small sized drones are throwing hot metal down on you like a medieval murder hole. Can’t hide in trenches because of these (in article) drones are going to clear you out of there. You can’t run across fields because screaming mosquito drones are zipping through the air. Can’t even trust hiding in a shit-house because a drone just might fly though that broken window.

    This is the face of future war.

  12. Observation: Assassin droids have a higher probability of surviving direct ballistic and energy small-arms fire than organic meatbags, Master. Conclusion: I would be glad to clear more trenches for you!

  13. Shit is getting scary over there god damn. Live looks at the wars of the future. Some truly dystopian ways to die being cooked up.

  14. Times of war and inventions for hurting each other ironically always accelerate humanity’s technology much faster than during peace time.

  15. Sure the killbots are tough, but Russia is just gonna send wave after wave of their own men at them. Killbots have a preset kill limit right? Just gotta wait till they reach their limit and shut down.

    Kiff, show them the medal Vlad is going to give himself for this strategy.

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