There are 6 GRAU arsenals in western Russia with similar capabilities to the 107 GRAU arsenal destroyed on September 18, 2024. These are difficult targets, but today we know that they are not unattainable.

How many other GRAU arsenals are there in Russia, like the one in Toropka

Good stuff defense-express

107 GRAU arsenal is one of the 7 large weapons bases in the European part of Russia. Analysts talk about 6 others.

📌 23rd arsenal of GRAU

It is located only 16 km south of the already destroyed 107th arsenal near the city of Toropets. This warehouse is about half the size of the already destroyed one. What kind of ammunition is stored on it is questionable.

But the fact that our special services hit the 107th shows its priority over the 23rd.

📌 13th arsenal of the GRAU

Further north in the Novgorod region near the village of Kotovo. It is about 680 km from the border with Ukraine, that is, about 200 km further than Toropets. This warehouse has a total area of about 3 square meters. km

📌 51st arsenal of GRAU

Situated to the east of Moscow near the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir region, so it can be a difficult target due to the density of air defense assets.

This is a rather large warehouse with a total area of about 3.5 square kilometers. The border with Ukraine is about 530 km.

📌 73rd arsenal of the GRAU

In the Vladimir region, next to the villages of Ivanovo, Krutovo and Eseno, which can be considered the largest, because it occupies an area of about 7 square meters. km

It also underwent global repair and modernization between 2018 and 2021, just like the 107th arsenal. This may indicate that it stores not only a lot of ammunition, but also quite expensive products. It is located 650 kilometers from the border.

📌 67th arsenal of the GRAU

But it can be considered one of the closest, located near the city of Karachev, Bryansk region – 114 km.

It is located close to a population of 20,000. At the same time, as of 2021, detailed satellite images show that part of the ammunition in this warehouse with a total area of about 3.5 square meters. km were stored in the open air.

📌 68th arsenal of the GRAU

It is the most remote, about 700 km from the front line, is the 68th GRAU arsenal near the city of Mozdok in North Ossetia. This is another updated warehouse with an area of 2.2 square meters. km


by Hotrico

  1. Hitting the 51st GRAU arsenal and causing a catastrophic explosion near Moscow would have significant political impacts against the Russian government and would show the Russian people that they are no longer capable of protecting the country. However, this area should be the one with the most concentrated air defense systems

  2. I dont think there has been enough attacks on economic targets. Pipelines, railways and ports should be disrupted. If their lives become miserable enough, the populace will get rid of Putin.

  3. Even having to re allocate just one S300/S400 system to each base will put a large strain on Russia’s anti aircraft equipment capabilities and reserves.

  4. All of those seem to be within striking distance, wouldn’t be surprised if at least one other will be struck this month.

  5. Why not attack 6 depots at once? Is it costs? Logistics?

    Costs: Assuming 50 drones per field for 300 total, the cost would be up to $90M. Shouldn’t be a problem, when effective: saves lives, likely shortens war.

    Logistics: I really don’t know what’s involved. Is each drone operate by one person? I imagine AI can be the pilot of the drone. Shouldn’t this be point-and-click?

  6. I would not want to be living anywhere near those ammo dumps around now. Ukraines long range missile production is only ramping up. The issue with Toropets, in my very amateur opinion, was that Russia thought it wouldn’t be attacked because it’s a nuclear power. Why bother to buy so much concrete and rebar that’s only going to go to waste? This issue potentially affects all ammo dumps.

  7. Those 3 around Moscow look great. The ordinary Muscovites should know the walls are closing in and dear leader and his drunken minions can’t protect them forever.

  8. They would be well advised to hit them all as fast as possible as they will be being dispersed right away.

  9. Putting the BLAST IN THE OBLAST! Russian Society never made sense: do not give them WEAPONS OR MATCHES.

  10. So this is 7 part TV series. we just watched episode 1. It was a BLAST!

    Cannot wait for episode 2!

  11. Cool, looks like options are out on the table. One can only wish them all the best in all their endeavors, they certainly deserve it.

  12. I like the way some of these sites bracket Moscow. Would be an awesome wake-up call for Muscovites to see, hear and feel the shock waves from huge secondary explosions on every side of them.

  13. if theres a way to find out which ones are the main contributor to strikes on Ukraine hit those first, if not hit the ones that are rich targets that you know you can penetrate whatever air defense is around it.

    don’t worry, I am Reddit 5 Star Armchair General, well .. the amount of time i spend lurking on this sub I feel like I am anyways

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