[OC] Companies that received the most venture funding in 2023

[OC] Companies that received the most venture funding in 2023

Posted by mttpgn

  1. Should do an update 5 years from now how many of these companies actually ever make a profit.

  2. Maybe instead writing “X, a Y company” you just write “X” and color code the companies by category? 

  3. I thought the point of this sub was to have *beautiful* data, as in present it in a beautiful way. Not a bland bar graph with no explanation of what the different colors represent.

  4. Not beautiful at all.

    At a bare minimum this graph needs a way to quickly identify which bars belong to what industry.

    The vast majority of all that text on the left needs to be changed into a legend.

  5. What kind of fucking maniac do you have to be to start up a human resources company in 2024 and be in the top 20 for VC funding.

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