Estonia may strike Russian territory in event of threat of war with NATO – Chief of Staff

Estonia may strike Russian territory in event of threat of war with NATO – Chief of Staff

Posted by BringbackDreamBars

  1. The Baltics are the least serious geopolitical nations on earth, and it’s highly regrettable that the war in Ukraine has given them some credibility in the minds of Russia hawks masquerading as “experts”, rather than continuing in their rightful place of being ignored. Nations the size of a Moscow suburb, constantly barking the loudest from behind America’s skirt.

  2. Makes sense every country that has lived under Russias thumb for many years is willing to fight to never going back. I will be extremely happy if this can just stay verbal warning and never materializes into actual war.

  3. Estonia has about the population of Vienna. This is an absolutely ludicrous announcement that has about as much “significance” as the Vatican announcing their space program.

    Well. Then again, I WOULD like to see a holy rocketry program come to think of it. Would honestly be a pretty good use of the church’s wealth and provide a constant stream of new income. There’s gotta be a island somewhere that they wholly own and could erect space launch infrastructure on, no?

  4. A click bait without anything of substance actually.

    The Headline:

    Estonia may strike Russian territory in **event of threat of war** with NATO – Chief of Staff

    The Body:

    The new plan by the North Atlantic Alliance stipulates that, in the **event of a Russian attack**, Estonia has the right to strike back at the Russian territory, states the Chief of the Joint Staff of the Estonian Defence Forces, Vahur Karus.

    The Headline claims it can attack just because there is a **threat**. The article itself, however, says that it can only do so in the **event of a Russian attack.**

    There is always a threat, why not attack right now!?

  5. Good.

    In theory, NATO is a defense alliance. But what exactly defense is?

    If right now Russia, North Korea, Iran will begin to produce hundreds of nukes each, and supply them among allies, then, what, NATO officials will just say: “NATO is only about defense, so even when our enemies if strengthen themselves we just cannot do anything with this.”?

    It’s absurd. The same absurd that lead to modern World where only 20% of World’s population live in free countries and most nuclear countries at lest have autocratic tendencies.

    World which was created also by NATO passivity.


    People that say that “Baltic not a serious states” don’t understand what they’re talking about.

    3,5 million Israel, using 1950-1960s technologies, created the most complex type of WMD, and thereafter nuclear triad. Now there are 6,000,000 of residents of Baltic states.

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