Zahl der Kriegstoten in Russland übersteigt 70.000 – Freiwillige stehen vor dem „Fleischwolf“

Zahl der Kriegstoten in Russland übersteigt 70.000 – Freiwillige stehen vor dem „Fleischwolf“

  1. Ya nobody cares. Thats the problem. In almost any other modern sovereign nation, the people would “rise up” and demonstrate their disdain with the regime. Until Putin is dead, this is basically impossible.

  2. >We have identified the names of 70,112 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, but the actual number is believed to be considerably higher. Some families do not share details of their relatives’ deaths publicly – **and our analysis does not include names we were unable to check, or the deaths of militia in Russian-occupied Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.**

    There most be a lot of foreigners too.

  3. “70,000”

    Ooooookay. I guess the other hundreds of thousands of casualties are just MIA like Spartans from Halo or some shit.

  4. In two years. That’s almost 30x more than the sum of US personnel killed in Afghanistan over 20 years. And about 12,000 more than the amount of Americans killed in Vietnam also over 20 years. So even with this lower end number of Russian KIA, they’re taking KIA per year at a rate about 12 times higher than the US did in Vietnam.

  5. Kind of reminds me of Zapp Brannigan, when he sent waves after waves of his own men to their deaths trying to cap the killbots’ kill count. 🤣

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