‘Everything Is Fine’: Twin Russian Conscripts Killed Near Belgorod

‘Everything Is Fine’: Twin Russian Conscripts Killed Near Belgorod


by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. It sucks to read that such nice guys were thrown into a war that no one wanted and were killed for it. Their 5 siblings and parents along with the town are all mourning their deaths because a cunt of a human being started this shit. Fuck Putin and fuck his government.

  2. The family is actually lucky: were it not for a family connection of another member of their unit with the local military commissar they would not have found out about their deaths.

    The kremlin does everything possible to repress information on casualties, especially 200s. If the truth came out widely within ruzzia the people would be rioting in the streets.

  3. Ukraine wants peace and these casualties are preventable if russia goes back home. The longer russia stays in ukraine, the greater the russians will suffer. Slava Ukraini

  4. tragic with the death of young men.

    However, there is no denying that they were small cogs of a murderous nazi apparatus.

  5. Their family should blame Putin & start a group to take down Putin. How many more of these young men are going to die for Putin’s vanity project? The Russian have to raise up to end all this stupidity, that costs them their children’s lives.

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