Friday Fread (20 Sep 24)

It’s Friday already!

Come on in, have a chat, and do let us know what’s happening for your day – whether it’s a relaxing one or you’re at the coalface for one more day (or over the weekend).

by dexbydesign89

  1. It’s still Thursday night in Vancouver and I’ve just got home from seeing a Kacey Musgraves gig, she was so amazing and I don’t know how I’m going to get any sleep before work tomorrow

  2. Had a long day yesterday, even without work, but it was worth it. Today will be another long day, already left the house as I have to get a coach from Milton Keynes in a couple of hours. Traveling up to Yorkshire to see my parents and collect my belongings from my ex’s house. Up there until Tuesday, will be good to see my parents, haven’t seen them since my nan’s funeral in March.

  3. Had to set my alarm an hour earlier this morning, still woke up 2 minutes before it went off 🧙‍♂️

  4. I’m going into the office today but have a few friends in, so it should be fun. I’m getting my eyebrows done at lunch as I’m going out tomorrow.

  5. Eldest just crawled into bed with me declaring it the weekend and asking what we’re doing… Had to burst her tiny bubble with news it was actually Friday and it’s school.

  6. I forgot my work laptop charger yesterday in the office, today the office is officially closed for an event going to later in the morning, I am working from home Monday so I’ve had to commute to work and now I am to commute most of the way back to get a different train. So I got up at the crack of dawn when I could have had a lie in.

  7. So glad it’s Friday. A break from work chaos to get on home chaos is very welcomed.

    Quick whinge session: Ordered a new phone case last week, plus new phone. New phone arrived yesterday and is now all set up. But my case arrives on Monday (damn you, Scandinavian post system) so I’m annoyed by that. The free watch I’m able to get with my phone can take up to a month to arrive for no conceivable reason (damn you, Samsung).

    My Sony xm5 buds are dying, which is par for the course apparently. Instead of getting them replaced I’m just gonna order the Samsung buds pro most likely.

    I know, all first world problems, but I use these things daily so when it all goes tits up it’s frustrating.

    Good news is (almost) all my car parts have arrived so maybe soon I can FINALLY get it MOT’d and start driving it after 2 years of it being in the garage. Then my SO can shove his in there and fix his whenever he pleases.

  8. Having to have my old cat put to sleep today.

    Still have to go to work too.
    Wish me/the customers luck!!

  9. It’s my girlfriend’s final day at work today before going off on maternity, so we’re going out for a meal tonight after work to celebrate her finishing for 12 whole months.

  10. Already drafted my reply email to why i dont want to continue my english gcse and im not holding anything back.

    Might go gym today then im going to spend the day reading with a side of eating leftover veg curry with unknown carb.

    But unfortunately first thing is weigh myself as new flooring meaning need to recalibrate the fucking thing.

  11. Last proper day of a week off, then it’s back to normal as the existential dread sinks in, returning to the unfulfilling, thankless grind on Monday. Games night tonight though so fingers crossed the dice are on my side.

  12. Weekend starts now … well kind of. An appointment with a respiratory physiotherapist due to the damage caused by covid / long covid.

  13. One of my friends in work is moving to Australia in a few weeks. He seemed extra sad yesterday that I wouldn’t be working his last day as I’m busy. We are quite close. He was like you will never see me again.

    So I’m going to send him a private message tonight saying he’ll be okay and he can message me anytime on social media. If he wants to chat.

  14. Lay down with a headache yesterday about 5ish, woke up at 5am still fully dressed and absolutely discombobulated.

    I feel like I’m not really here…

  15. I’ve got work, and I’m not really stoked on missing what stands to be the last day of really nice summer weather probably for the next nine months or so. The whole summer has been a bit of a washout really, and I’m not ready for autumn.

    On the plus side, whole weekend off.

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