Chess GOAT Carlsen tells russian run FIDE to keep RU and BelaRU out of chess

by Howie92

  1. Nice move by Carlsen.

    I’m sure allot of people expected Kasparaov to win and to make some anti Russian statements.

    Clever like Fide thinks they are, they gave the price to Carlsen. However as genius as he is, Carlsen was thinking more moves ahead and outplayed Fide. Really nice that he honors Kasparov, even better that he also said what kasparov would have criticized!!!

  2. karjakin is literally going to occupied Ukraine wearing a big dumbass Z and recording propos for the vodkalord. (Something the Zombies lurking in r/chess still circlejerk over)

    GOAT is based.

  3. Russia is a joke in chess now so not missing much, not even a single Russian in the top 25 anymore. Years of under-educating your populace and feeding them nothing but propaganda will do that.

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