Why Britain can’t just return migrants to France, as Reform says

Why Britain can’t just return migrants to France, as Reform says


Posted by Make_the_music_stop

  1. A local Calais politician wrote to Macron saying if we (the French) agree with the British to return everyone to Callais, the business model of the trafficking would be smashed in a few weeks. And lives would be saved. Macron ignored him. (not sure of the source, heard this around 2 or 3 months ago on the radio)

  2. I’ve wondered this myself, often asked here on Reddit on Twitter. No one can give me a logical answer and no one can seem to respond to me without calling me a racist.

    Seriously, why can’t our border control boys take them right back across this sea?

    Furthermore, why is England the only safe country these people decide to come to? Aren’t you meant to settle in the first safe land you get to? As far as I’m aware the entity of eastern Europe isn’t at war?

  3. If you read the article it says quickly into it.

    “According to the [United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), external](https://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf) and the [International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR Convention), external](https://treaties.fcdo.gov.uk/data/Library2/pdf/1986-TS0059.pdf), states are allowed to pick people up from boats if they are “found at sea in danger of being lost”.

    But these laws do not allow them to be taken to another state without that country agreeing.

    In fact, Article 19 of UNCLOS says that if a “foreign ship” enters another country’s territorial waters it will “be considered to be prejudicial to the peace” if “it engages in the loading or unloading of any… person contrary to the immigration laws” of that country.”

  4. They should know that we lost that right when brexit happened.

    Reform, they put the moron into oxymoron

  5. Reform making its usual 1 line response to a complicated issue so that their fucking brain-dead supporters can harrumph and start talking like Alf Garnet

  6. It’s written by the BBC though, so according to those that want to ignore international law etc will say this is fake news from the MSM.

    It must come from lord of bullshit who’s name I won’t mention  and he must stipulate that he is being silenced to make it all seem so real. Don’t forget the Facebook, X and TikTok channels from individuals who fact check all the sources. 

    Big /s on that just in case 

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