Boeing strike:Davon Smith, 37, earns under $28 (£21) an hour attaching the wings to Boeing 777X planes, which sell for over $400m (£300m) each. He also works as a security guard at a bar to make ends meet.

Boeing strike:Davon Smith, 37, earns under $28 (£21) an hour attaching the wings to Boeing 777X planes, which sell for over $400m (£300m) each. He also works as a security guard at a bar to make ends meet.

by diacewrb

  1. >His fiancée, who works as a secretary for Seattle schools, earns more than him.

    >He says he’s concerned he could be held criminally liable if his work isn’t done correctly.

    >“Every time we make a plane to their spec, we pretty much put our life on the line. Because if anything goes wrong – like if it’s a torque’s out of spec or something like that – and potentially the plane goes down, we obviously get [jail] time for that,” he says.

    $28 per hour ain’t enough for such an important job.

  2. Boeing is losing money; you can’t compare the sale price without comparing how many hours it takes to build. The 777 competitor, the A350-1000, is only $366M, meaning Boeing can’t raise prices. The choices are to pay $28/hr or shut down the program and no job at all.

  3. Making almost as much as minimum wage but risking as much as a drug dealer. Corporations are really pushing the limits of their workers.

  4. I get that organized labor is gaining strength and making gains across the country, so why not strike, but isn’t Boeing on its last leg? Timing doesn’t feel right

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