Driver, 70, pleads guilty to killing baby as dad strapped her into pushchair outside Withybush Hospital in Pembrokeshire

Driver, 70, pleads guilty to killing baby as dad strapped her into pushchair outside Withybush Hospital in Pembrokeshire

by Purple-Win-9790

  1. I live in a rural area in Wales and the standard of driving among some older people is appalling. It is quite clear that some of them cannot see properly to drive. Driving very slowly on NSL roads, peering over the steering wheel. My other half has bad eyesight and has voluntarily surrendered her licence. The only condition for driving is that you can read a number plate at 20 metres. It doesnt take into account peripheral vision loss or the last time they had their eysight tested.

    Not to miss anyone out there are just as many bad young drivers, but thats mostly impatience.

  2. We do appear to be getting a lot of deaths lately as a result of pensioners not being able to control their vehicle. Awful story, I feel for the family.

  3. I saw an old guy driving up my street to the pharmacy two days ago. Look 100. Could barely see him over the wheel.

    Was doing about 10mph down the middle of the road. Both me and the car in front had to pull over to avoid him hitting us

    He didn’t see the cars or even notice what had happened, just carried on driving at 10mph down the middle of the road

  4. Pensioners already get free bus travel, choosing to drive when you’re incapable is selfish but, 70 isn’t necessarily senile and useless, my parents are both over 70 and really good safe drivers

  5. I use the builth to Brecon roads daily and I have to say some of the drivers I need to negotiate are terrifying.

    I get it that when they drove as younger people cars were very different and the average speed would be much lower.

    However, the signs say 60 which is ambitious, 50 is good going for most of it unless I want to destroy my car accelerating to brake repeatedly.

    I leave an hour to do a 40min journey so i can factor in agricultural vehicles. That’s all good.

    What really messes me up is when I’m chundering along and empty road to see a little old biddy up ahead with nothing in front of them and their little biddy car all shiny and new. Usually one of the 3 models they all drive.

    I can’t overtake for 90% of the road is either forbidden by law or just nutter level of dangerous. So I end up fuming behind a biddy who gets all confused and stressed out ,flashing multiple indicators as they grapple slowly with their vehicles like a turtle slowly dying in a drift net.

    I feel really sorry for them , I get the importance of their cars, the impossibility of living where they have all their lives if they don’t drive. My own granddad drove for longer than he should.

    If you have one of these little old dears in your family could you ask them to consider using one of the many,many pull in places to let people behind them pass safely?

    I don’t want to die trying to get to work on time. And ,after a 15 hour shift sometimes my patience isn’t very forthcoming .

  6. I’m certain that the elderly hate young people and want them all homeless, childless or dead. Was this lady driving fast outside the hospital, or what? How did it happen?

  7. Jesus christ. I have a little girl and genuinely cannot fathom the sheer level of complete and vicious despair that would follow an incident like this. Poor dad has played that over and over and over in his head one million times and is tormented by what ifs. Fuck this hurts to read.

  8. We had to take the keys off one of my uncles and remove the car from his possession because he wouldn’t give up driving on his own. He was a danger, he couldn’t see well even with glasses, but as he knew the roads he drove so well, as he drove the same journeys regularly for years he didn’t slow down. He was still doing the speed limit if not over but he sight and reaction times were horrendous.

    So many close calls, then a couple of actual crashes. Fortunately, no other cars involved, unfortunately not enough damage on the car to stop it from being drivable. He didn’t claim on insurance, just got the car towed out of what ever field he had put it in. Big argument the day we as a family went round and took the thing off him. He was so convinced his life was over without the car

  9. It needs to be law that as soon as you hit retirement age annual medicals must be performed to prove you are both physically and mentally capable of driving to a safe standard, same as if you were a hgv driver. If you fail license remove and use public transport you get for free.

    Last week I was joining the motorway following an elderly woman doing 30 and as soon as she joined decided to brake on the inside lane to an almost stop, luckily it was 6am and nobody was about so I went around and drove away.

  10. In about 2017 I was hit by a pensioner and there was zero ramifications for them and they were in zero shape to drive yet we’re still allowed to drive after this incident.

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