I’m just gonna post this here

I’m just gonna post this here

by Nitrodome

  1. It’s amazing what the Romans could do, this ancient Luigi torture device looks like it’s brand new.

  2. Nothing is wrong here. In Italy, it’s called ‘pastina.’ It’s for young people, and you cook it in chicken stock when they feel sick.

  3. This the equivalent of the german camps for jews but then made to let italians feel even more suffering, sad times we live in 😔

  4. Brothers, let me be the voice of reason: I know we jest with each other about each other and everyone is the butt of a little joke from some time – some a bit more, some a bit less I have to say.

    But is this vile display of an attack on Luigi‘s beloved ethnical food really necessary? I say nay to that.

    Let‘s keep it civil here, gents. Divided in patria, united in francophobia 🇨🇭🤝🇮🇹

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