Brits demand ‘AI-powered girlfriends’ as expert says ‘we’ve gone too far’

Brits demand ‘AI-powered girlfriends’ as expert says ‘we’ve gone too far’

Posted by dailystar_news

  1. How does “Google searches for AI girlfriend hit an all time high” (and which I think, we can, with a reasonable level of confidence say that that high probably wasn’t particularly high to begin with) translate into “Brits demand”?

    Honestly, how the people that work at these fucking rags are allowed to call themselves “journalists” or “news reporter” when something like “scribbler of total bollocks” or “conjurer of amateurish lies” or just “waster of good paper” would be far more accurate, just beggars belief.

  2. >British men only want on thing . . . and it’s not reality.

    >New research from ToolsForHumans reveals that UK Google Trends searches for “AI Girlfriend” reached an all-time high score of 100 in the second week of August. According to SEO program Ahrefs, the current global search data for ‘AI Girlfriend’ stands at 144,000 every month, with 6% originating from the UK.

    >The data shows that the current monthly average searches in 2024 are 10,007 each month – a rise of 52% from 2023’s 6,569 monthly average.

    >The subject of AI Girlfriends has seen a surge in 2024, with hundreds of online generators and simulators being launched, as well as thousands of ads for them (as per Meta’s advertisement library).

    >Online opinion on the matter is split. Some users argue they’re the “best option” for certain men, while others warn they’re dangerous and could lead to harmful addiction. Recent reports reveal some users splashing out tens of thousands of pounds on them every month.

    >Alec Chambers, CEO and Founder of ToolsForHumans, issued a cautionary note to users: “Within the last few months, we’ve had a huge increase in enquiries from AI Girlfriend platforms looking to be featured on our website and database. I’m really concerned about this AI trend and have refused to publish the tools that have contacted me on our site.

    >”While tools like []( have become a hit among teens for chatting with everything from AI Mario to an AI therapist, there’s a concern that tools focusing solely on creating AI Girlfriends could cross the line.

    >”They might isolate individuals from authentic human connections, providing a substitute that simply doesn’t measure up to real interaction. We must be cautious about how we utilise these technologies and ensure they don’t supplant the significant relationships we all require.”

  3. The daily star is such a joke of a newspaper. I’m in my 50s and it’s been a laughing stock all my life. We know it, and the people working there know it. I’d be embarrassed to admit I worked for them in public lmfao

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