I think it should go without mentioning but pls don’t get your dogs out at a buffet

I think it should go without mentioning but pls don’t get your dogs out at a buffet

by lunaj1999

  1. At a glance I thought your arm was your weirdly shaped bum and you were curling one out.

    I see now the real photo is even worse, who does this!?

  2. I know it’s weird, but is it actually doing any harm? Guy might just be trying to eat his lunch with his foot not in agony.

    It’s not like he’s using it to stir the beans at the buffet.

  3. I’d wager you’re insecure about your own feet and are projecting this onto someone else.

    I have no idea why else you’d give a shit.

    Do you dislike it when people wear Sandals?

  4. Why not?

    And if your response is “because it’s disgusting”, then please explain why it’s disgusting. And if your response is “because it is”, that’s obviously not good enough.

  5. Hugely disappointed there were no dogs in the photo and instead it’s just a weirdo taking photos of strangers.

  6. Maybe he just likes a good toe wiggle whilst eating. Unless they absolutely whiffed, I can’t see a problem with it

  7. I hate people who just get their feet out.
    I also hate people who try and bring dogs into restaurants.

    So whilst I misunderstood your post initially, my agreement with your post did not change.

  8. Anyone else think the elbow on the table was someone in a black shirt facing side-on with an enormous belly?

  9. I’m judging you for taking stealth photos of someone’s feet more than I’m judging their feet. At least their feet look clean. So being a weirdo and tell your mate to get their elbows off the table.

  10. Actually thought you meant don’t get your dogs out because they’ll start licking your feet if they’re out.

  11. Looks like a flat pallet and slight Odema probably due to the stresses, must be painful for him

  12. Today everyone learned that when OP has an adverse reaction to something that doesn’t affect them in any way, shape, or form, they have to take a photo of it and post it on the Internet

  13. I don’t get it. Feet don’t smell when you haven’t been wearing socks shoes making em sweat all day. Are we scared feet particles are gonna float into the food..?

  14. I was hoping to see a video of a dog going berserk and jumping on the counters and eating everything 🙁

  15. He’s only got it resting on the top of his shoe. Unorthodox yes but hate this mentality of “it’s ok to take a photo of someone and put it on the internet and make them a monster”. Just get on with your dinner.

  16. I wouldn’t do this but can’t see the issue. If he had sandals on you wouldn’t care and the only difference is some foam between the floor and his feet. Doesn’t seem logical. Why are people so weird about feet?!

  17. Saw pictures of a place where actual dogs were playing snooker and cards. Totally unacceptable.

  18. I love wearing flip flops and letting my wider-than average feet relax and get some air. I keep them tidy and clean.

    I’m not going to reduce my comfort for others, just don’t look if you don’t like. It’s not like I’m stirring my food with them or waving them in the air at you.

  19. I’ll play devil’s advocate: how often do you wash your feet compared to how often you wash your shoes?

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