Zelenskyy: Peace Summit Could End This War and Ensure It Never Happens Again

Zelenskyy: Peace Summit Could End This War and Ensure It Never Happens Again


by UNITED24Media

  1. A peace summit would require inviting Russia and making some tough decisions.

    I am a staunch supporter for Ukrainian sovereignty but even i realize that the only way this war will ever end is if Russia and Ukraine negotiate a deal.

    This deal obviously won’t be anything like the Minsk agreements, Ukraine deserves security guarantees that can’t just be ignored which is why i’d advocate for Ukrainian NATO membership being part of any deal.

    The fact that this peace summit will likely be held after the US Presidential Election speaks volumes.

  2. That’s what will happen. The war will be frozen. The west will lift some sanctions and start gobbling up russian resources. Russia will attack UA in ten years, the West will make surprised pikachu faces.

  3. Cedeing Crimea and the self-proclaimed “L/DPR” is acceptable. Getting them back is adding several millions pro-kremlin idiots into the system. They will elect pro-kremlin deputies, they will work on behalf of russia in the HUR, AFU, etc.
    Justice would see reparations and the russians driven out of not just Ukraine, but see the entire Azov coast in Ukraine’s hands, even the legally russian parts (start a war of territorial conquest and you gotta live with the fact that you will lose soil when you lose) inside Ukraine. Sadly, Ukraine doesn’t have the ability to ensure a just peace deal, only a NATO intervention would ensure that, but realistically…

    Getting NATO military bases, a clear path into NATO, and the equivalent of the Marshall plan is what will ensure Ukraine never suffers again.

    Hey, Kosovo isn’t in NATO, but NATO troop presence prevents any Serbian invasion in truth.

  4. gotta be naive to believe that. There is not a single power in the world which is actually willing to do what’s necessary to force Russia to peace out on Ukrainian terms

  5. No don’t do that! Do not negotiate! Russian army is weak and easy to win. Ukrainian army is unstoppable and fight for freedom. You have all those hi-tech toys supplied by your friends which can crush Russia five times already. We can also sanction Russia to the moon, maybe sanction all those BRICS countries too. It will destroy Russian evonomy rapidly because Russia only do trade with the West. You have all the free and democratic European friends willing to sacrifice their quality of life to help you. Those inflation are just numbers! Of course we’re rich, free and democratic so we can pour billions more of cash to keep you afloat. Those are just numbers, believe me. The supports are rising and we certainly can capitulate Russia without any worry of Nuclear annihilation because Russia has no guts, only words. We will support you to “the end”. Certainly we can push them as far as Vladivostok so Putincan be toppled. Also don’t believe those Russian propaganda about unrest and far righters in the West. They are poor populist citizen who only care about their wellbeing and interest of their own countries. They are delusional and sided with Russia! Also Putin is a devil so Ukrainian parliament already issued a law prohibiting all communication with him and they cannot do any negotiations as long as Putin is alive. So, don’t bother with that idea. Am I already said we’re superior than Russia in every ways because we’re democratic and free?

  6. Unlikely because Russia would not be invited to summit, being an aggressor who has no right to demand anything. And even if it somehow was invited, it would refuse to negotiate. And even if it did, no one can trust Russians to keep their words.

  7. Putin has got Russia to identify with himself just as Hitler did with Germany. Without the Enperor’s new cloak he’s naked.

  8. For nany years spineless EU hoping to civilise Russia through trade and singing kumbaya songs.

    UK just as bad with Anglo Russian friendship groups attended by Tories such as Johnson.

    Wary patriotism? Don’t be ridiculous when it was so good for profits.

    The treason of the mercenary class.

  9. Wait…didn’t zelensky have a peace summit. Or was that just a fundraiser /gala.

    Always a risk when you believe ones own BS

  10. 1. Napoleon concluded an alliance with Russia against Britain…
    1. Only so that Russia immediately increased trade with Britain.
    2. 19th century Germans heavily invested in Russian Empire industry for the sake of political and military alliance…
    1. Only to receive enemy which from Great Powers first begun WW1 mobilization.
    3. In the 1920s USA saved millions of Russians from hunger and disease, and together with Germans industrialized the USSR…
    1. Only so that all of this has become the main existential threat for the USA.
    4. In the 1920s Germans designed and provided with machines to most USSR military enterprises, signed Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, divided Poland with the USSR…
    1. Only to receive threatening Warsaw and Romanian oil 2 soviet attack armies and an unspoken (?) ultimatum to speed up the landing in Britain.
    5. UK and USA Lend Lease allowed to restore soviet production chains and save USSR from famine (because pre-war USSR sell too much food to Germany), not to say about everything else…
    1. Only so that USSR hid most of the American canned food and weapons in warehouses, sending Soviet “freed up resources.”
    6. During Nuremberg Trials, USA and UK banned any criticism of USSR and offered what China agreed to in the 1970s…
    1. Only so that USSR 10 post-war years not so much restore own economy as prepared for initiation of WW3 (by occupation of everything from India to Turkey).
    7. In the 1940-50s China trusted the USSR…
    1. Only so that from early 1960s USSR begun preparation of nuclear strikes against Chinese army and “counterrevolution suppression.”
    8. Before the war, USSR/Russia promised to Afghanistan, Chechnya, Ukraine authorities absence of war…
    1. Only to start genocidal war, with 2 millions killed Afghans, 10-20% Chechens, and ethnocide against Ukrainians.
    9. In 2002-2021 years Russia received from West 6-7 trillion dollars…
    1. Only to use 1 trillion on rearmament, announce 2021 year ultimatum about withdraw of NATO from Eastern Europe. And de facto begin proxy war against NATO. Partly financed by NATO counties…
    10. During 20-21st centuries Russian allies received so many promises. Only to receive authoritarianism, corruption and poverty. Modern China, North Korea, India, Iran trade with Russia… Only to receive military strengthening and chaotization of their real, not nominal, opponents.

    **Ensure It Never Happens Again?**

    As long as Russia exists in the form of the Moscow Empire, it has lied, betrayed, carried out imperial expansion. And will continue to lie, betray and carry out imperial expansion. Foremost, by betraying allies and violating agreements.

    It’s the essence of Russia.

  11. Probably wishful thinking on his part. He should have started thinking about peace when they reconquered parts of Kherson. Now he is in a very weak position with front line collapses happening left and right near Prokovsk. So unless Ukraine is ready to give up Crimea,call of the Donbas, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson he will not even get a ceasefire.

  12. I don’t think Russia is ready to make any sort of peace that would be even remotely acceptable to Ukraine, and I think Ukraine knows this.

    However, what Ukraine can do with these peace summits is build international consensus on the issue, further demolish dishonest accusations by Russia that “Russia wants peace but Ukraine doesn’t”, and present a vision of how exactly the war would end and what sort of actions enacting such a vision would require from other countries.

    As has been the case for the entire war: We should keep increasing military support for Ukraine, and for example remove restrictions on them using weapons to hit legitimate Russian military targets regardless of their location.

    Any peace proposal that leaves Ukraine without a binding defensive agreement with strong militaries (e.g. NATO or a specific agreement with some major NATO countries) is not a peace proposal but a ceasefire that Russia will break the moment it thinks it has a sufficiently advantageous opportunity.

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