How Israel’s Elite Intelligence Unit Targets Queer Palestinians in the West Bank

How Israel’s Elite Intelligence Unit Targets Queer Palestinians in the West Bank

Palestinian Queers under Israeli surveillance – and threat

Posted by AverageEggplantEmoji

  1. Nothing new btw, Israeli intelligence has been blackmailing and forcing gay Palestinians to commit treason for nearly a decade.

    It’s a win win for Israel. They get insider information. And when the blackmailed victim gets caught and inevitably executed for treason, the Zionist media machine will display how Palestinians are being killed just for being gay.

  2. Shit like this is how you know progressives have no genuine values. They constantly shit on Israel, the only Middle Eastern country whose LGBT rights are on par with the West, while completely ignoring the MASSIVE amount of systemic anti-LGBT bigotry practiced by literally every other country in the region.

    Because it’s not about values. It’s just about justifying their hate by any means necessary.

  3. Made it one sentence in and can tell reading further would be a waste of time. Author up their own ass with bais, this is gonna be just another rag masquerading as objective

  4. My personal response to this bs is borrowed from an interview

    >What do you say to those who argue queer people shouldn’t be in solidarity with Palestinians because homophobia is rampant in Palestinian territories?

    In my work, I don’t deny or elide the realities of homophobia within Palestinian society and the potency of it, as well as the need to combat it and resist it. So many people in the queer Palestinian movement are connecting the struggles for queer liberation and the Palestinian liberation struggle as inextricably linked and fundamentally connected. That needs to be named very clearly and unequivocally.

    That being said, homophobia is not unique to Palestinian society. It exists in most parts of the world, including in Israeli society, as well as here in the United States. It’s a near-universal phenomenon, unfortunately.Homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, patriarchy, sexism, gender and sexuality-based violence; these are realities that we have to grapple with all around the world. It’s very dangerous to pathologize Palestinian society as uniquely homophobic or that homophobia is endemic to the society without this broader context, as well as without understanding the ways that life under brutal military occupation exacerbates homophobia within Palestinian society as well. In order for us to deal with questions of how queer people are treated in Palestine, we have to address the broader landscape of the denial of freedom to Palestinians more generally speaking.

    I also think that it’s racist, in my opinion, to argue that the struggle against racism that’s directed against Palestinians should somehow be halted or undermined because there’s homophobia within Palestinian society. Not only does it erase the existence of queer Palestinians, who themselves are subjected to both homophobic violence and racialized violence, it also renders invisible the history of LGBTQ activism within Palestinian society. But if you think about how Palestinians get exceptionalized…There’s this kind of exception when it comes to the oppression of Palestinians; the oppression that we face gets normalized and even justified.

    >Dr. Sa’ed Atshan. Palestinian, gay man, and author of Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique

  5. >”victims of black mail.”

    Hmm interesting. Black mail for what? For being Gay? Why is this a problem?

    Oh yeah, because most progressive freedom fighter ipn the world absolutely despise LGBT. This seems to be Palestinians extremist group problem. Simply accept gay people as equal and the EViL IsRNoTReL will never be able to use this again. Problem solved.

  6. Although this is an unethical move, it wouldn’t be possible if Queers in Palestine didn’t have to hide their identities out of fear for their lives.

    On the bright side, their intelligence probably saved life on both sides.

  7. This is the murky shit of war, so it doesn’t surprise me at all.

    It’s really bizarre because people seem to be ignorant of the fact Israelis live next door to people who want them dead, at worst.

    So whilst in the West we can be alarmed at this – this is standard fare for countries at war.

    Is it nice? No. It’s pretty gross. But that’s war. War is gross.

  8. The difference of treatment betwin Israeli arabs and palestinian is appealing.

    Israel is probably the one nation in MENA where arabs will enjoy the most rights and best quality of life.

    One of the other hand, Palestine is probably the worst place to live for arabs, outside of yemen and maybe Syria

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