After Protests, Dutch Bank ING Will Restrict Lending to Climate Polluters

After Protests, Dutch Bank ING Will Restrict Lending to Climate Polluters

After Protests, Dutch Bank ING Will Restrict Lending to Climate Polluters

by trueslicky

  1. Sadly this article is totally over exaggerated. ING is doing the bare minimum it must do to comply with the bare minimum standards of the EU’s so-called Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and related frameworks.

    Corporations are mandated to self-report and banks are mandated to assess their investments’ climate-related etc., financial and societal risks and facilitate them barely doing the bare minimum on a set of indicators that do not reflect civil society demands.

    The press statement is unambiguous
    “As of 2026, after two years of disclosure assessments and more strategic engagement with our clients, we’ll have a more robust understanding of how they’re progressing. Based on that, we will continue with business as usual or, for those that are unable or unwilling to progress, apply stricter conditions on a case by case basis or we will consider ceasing financing them altogether.”

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