Cinnamon the missing capybara recaptured in pond in Telford

Cinnamon the missing capybara recaptured in pond in Telford

by tmstms

  1. 1) had made a den in a thicket, so v hard to reach

    2) was clever enough to walk round the traps.

    3) Where she was, was near MoD land, so fears that if she went in there, she could never be recaptured.

    4) now reunited with her parents and brother in the zoo.

  2. I heard an ancient episode of a BBC Radio games show today (The worst week in the World) and apparently some nutty pope declared that capybaras were fish so that Venzuelans could eat them on Friday.

    Swim on fishy rat on steroids, I hope you enjoyed your piscine pleasures in the the park.

  3. Genuinely surprised she didn’t end up in the car park at Donnington McDonald’s trying to order a drive thru

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