Russian soldier in Toretsk (Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine) failed to change position through balcony

Russian soldier in Toretsk (Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine) failed to change position through balcony

by Creepy_Jeweler_1351

  1. Wow I actually thought loads of people was getting assassinated by putin, it actually turns out these dumb fucker don’t know what stairs are, uneducated muppets. No wonder bungalows are so expensive prolong your life expectancy

  2. My thoughts was he was unable to take h to e stairs. Perhaps ukr forces were in the building and he was trying to escape. The building was under observation and he seemed to missing a lot his gear trying to make a break for it.
    Should’ve surrendered.

  3. Falling headfirst into rubble…. that’s a goner. What was he even doing, it’s not like there’s much loot in a burnt out building.

  4. I wouldn’t trust my life to the structural integrity of a window frame, but here is a Russian trusting his to a bombed and burned window frame.

    Guess Russians don’t even value their own life.

  5. Damn the russians do really fall from the windows such a interesting phenomena 🤔

    Also r/DarwinAwards

  6. He seemed so confident, like he’s done it 100’s of times… Then suddenly.. splat !!

    Now his Mom will never get the money… Russia don’t cover falling from windows.

  7. See, that is what happened to all of Putin’s opponents, they were all balcony jumping, Putin had nothing to do with it. You all thought Vlad had them eliminated now we see Russians have an uncontrollable desire to balcony jump.

    Who Knew!


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