A young Ukrainian soldier returns home after 2 years in Russian captivity: doesn’t talk, doesn’t recognise his his Mum, doesn’t respond to anything at least but he’s home.

A young Ukrainian soldier returns home after 2 years in Russian captivity: doesn’t talk, doesn’t recognise his his Mum, doesn’t respond to anything at least but he’s home.

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. That’s fucking heartbreaking!!

    Russia needs to not be russia anymore… time to start doing w we did with the germans during ww2

  2. Goddamn… this one was rough.. I don’t wanna know what he’s seen and/or been trough.


  3. There are many videos in Ukrainian language with with interviews and witnesses about tortures and atrocities done by ruzzia. It is extrovert hard see those.

  4. This one hit me hard. I’m tired of watching Russia get away with this shit. I’m not as young as I once was but I’ve go 2 combat deployments under my belt and about getting to the point I’m ready to break the boots back out. This has become a war of right and wrong, good vs evil and that’s a cause I can get down with! Fuck Russia

  5. Ok, tell me again why the West isn’t arming Ukraine to the teeth? AND DON’T GIVE ME BULLSHIT ABOUT WHAT MAY HAPPEN. Wipe their asses back to the stone age.

  6. He was tortured to a level that is incomprehensible to us. I fear that his relationship with his mother could even be dangerous. If he feels threatened, unfortunately it will take him years to start returning to “normal”

  7. His eyes 👀, he’s still in survival mode. Poor guy I hope he finds his way out! God bless him.

  8. May peace find its way home to him in time. Heartbreaking does not do it justice. It makes one shudder to know what kind of things this poor man had to endure. He is back in a place where he will be loved now, and even though he has the 1000-mile stare, how he reaches out at the end for an embrace and some human care is touching. I wish him all the very best for the road ahead. His battle is faught, his scars bared for all, and from a stranger who will never utter a word to him, he has my undying respect and admiration, and while we more for what the poor soul has lost, we thank every day for the souls he helped save.

    The other side to this is that this all needs to be documented and then used against the inhuman Russians who did this. Hopefully, justice finds them. If not, I would happily settle for a bullet. There is no place in the modern world for a state like Russia. They need to be cast back into the darkness from whence they came. They spread evil across the world like cancer, and while I don’t wish death on Russian people, the whole country needs to be dismantled and set free.

    From the UK , with love and support, long may our people support you as best we can, and while not good enough from us at the moment, I have faith that the indomitable spirit of Ukraine and its people will see them free of this madness and a proud independent country that is a safe home for each and every person.

  9. Don’t forget Russian Nazis had kidnapped many Ukrainian kids, send them to orphan to brainwash them. Even when the war finished and they get rescued, get back to home to their real parents. They will never be the same. The Russians must be stopped once and all, can’t let them get away this time. Otherwise they will be back again to threat civilized world, with nukes.

  10. This happened to POW’s who returned from Vietnam too. The brain does this to cope with severe forms of torture.

  11. It is a survival mechanism.

    I went through decades of emotional abuse. The only way to survive was to become totally emotionless and focus on objectives and even going through the motions of giving an expected response like a hug.

    Decades latter my mom told me she was surprised I didn’t commit suicide.

  12. I’m saving this video to remind myself why I feel such happiness and euphoria for the videos that involve Russian screaming.

  13. I’ve seen so much from this war in the last 2 years but this? This is tragic beyond words. That’s enough internet.

  14. Two years of torture. He may never wake up. He may think this is a delusion or hallucination. Russia is evil

  15. He’s traumatised. PTSD. I’m so sorry for him to have to go through this. This suffering could have been prevented if some people in the west would finally understand that sending arms to Ukraine will not escalate but shorten the war. This war will only be over if Russia loses and Putin is gone.

  16. Man,he’s got the same look in his eyes the soldiers in the vids from WW1 do. He’s So Freakin Traumatized and Broken…poor guy

  17. I think he’s got a good chance to have some recovery with love like that from his mom. He may not recognize her now but he’s letting her touch and comfort him. It may not be so important who he thinks it is right now- just that someone is reaching out to him in a loving, comforting manner, and that he’s allowing it, and responding back a little. I hope they both find peace and comfort and serenity.

    May Ukraine win a future worthy of the sacrifices this and so many other Ukrainians have had to make. Glory to Ukraine! Peace in Ukraine!

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