CERN to expel hundreds of Russian scientists

CERN to expel hundreds of Russian scientists

by Vivid-Butterfly-9745

  1. Numerous great scientists came from the Soviet Union. Except from Grigori Perelman (math genious), who’s new and ground breaking from Putin’s Russia?

  2. It is sad that it has come to that, the Russian people, being fellow human beings, deserve better.

    But until they are ready to shake off parasites like Putin and take destiny into their own hand, our own self-preservation takes precedence.

    I’m sure there are *some* Russians who deserve better then that, but as the saying goes (both ways):

    ‘Einzelschicksale können nicht berücksichtigt werden.’

  3. Russians shall be ostracized from civil society, be it in sports, culture, art, etc., unless they clearly speak out against Russism. That doesn’t mean that Russian art, as one example, is bad, au contraire.

  4. I’m sure there are some innocents but there’s no way to deal with it cleanly and that’s the right way to do it.

    CERN’s method should be applied everywhere. It’s time they understand they don’t get the butter and the money of the butter.

  5. I remember when this thing was turning on in 2009 and I thought it was going to cause a black hole. I don’t smoke weed anymore because of it lol

  6. Looks like there are more free spaces. If they remain for a few years I can go there after uni 😂

  7. How, or When will you learn Russia and Russian pepole where taken over more then 100yrs. Ago.

  8. Why now and not spring of 2022 is my question.

    Stop treating Russia like a civilized nation. They aren’t. They’re fucking murderous barbarians.

  9. They can go back home to Russia and design molecular-level washing machines and toaster ovens.

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