Russian Soldiers Charged With Killing U.S. Man Who Fought for Moscow in Eastern Ukraine – The Moscow Times

Russian Soldiers Charged With Killing U.S. Man Who Fought for Moscow in Eastern Ukraine – The Moscow Times

by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. >then allegedly blew up a car with Bentley’s body inside and ordered Bazhin to conceal the remains.

    Wouldn’t it have been more effective to just… bury the body somewhere?

  2. Arrested for what?

    They thought he was a spy. As a volunteer in the Russian Army he was under military law. The penalty under Russian military law for “we think you are a spy” in the occupied Donbas is to be tortured and shot by your accusers.

    So… where’s the crime? He wanted to join the Russian Army and escape stupid, woke, liberal society. He wanted to be there. It’s what he signed up for.

    And he managed to escape stupid, woke, liberal society in the biggest way possible.

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