Burglar stabbed in prison kitchen awarded £5m


Feels like a bonkers decision to me, fair enough people should be safe in prison but a burglar with 31 convictions suddenly being worried about "the impact on his future loss of earnings"?

Burglar stabbed in prison kitchen awarded £5m
byu/TerminalJunk inuknews

Posted by TerminalJunk

  1. Such a terrible take. He shouldn’t fear for his life just because he is in prison, the guards failed to ensure the perpetrator could be left safely alone despite being jailed for murder, and this guy is going to need round the clock care later in life.

    Just because he’s a shit bag doesn’t mean you can greenlight his attempted murder while he is in the care of the state. He was the victim of a horrendous act of violence when it should have been impossible.

  2. 31 convictions, and the stabbing occurred when he was on remand for aggravated burglary.

    And yet you’ve got people like that Malkinson bloke, who’s compensation for 17 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit will be capped at £1m, had to fight to not have food and lodging deducted, and is currently in a council flat on UC.

  3. >suddenly being worried about “the impact on his future loss of earnings”?

    By not being able to work in the prison kitchen..? So he should have been awarded compensation of about £13.50 then..

  4. I can agree to the burglar receiving some form of compensation for his injuries, but £5m seems like a ridiculous amount, and I hope the MOJ will appeal the judge’s award.

    I wonder if any of the victims of his 31 criminal convictions would be able to sue him for their losses, given how flush this guy is now with cash. Hoping this would be the case.

  5. He’s entitled to compensation. The state failed to keep him safe. 5 mill is excessive but it is what it is I guess

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