What is your Nation biggest traitor? Pétain, Laval, Laffont in the top 3 for 🇫🇷

What is your Nation biggest traitor? Pétain, Laval, Laffont in the top 3 for 🇫🇷

by FrenchieB014

  1. Dermot MacMurrough, most Irish people won’t recognize the name but he brought a lot of trouble to the island.

  2. India, Ireland and the USA. Can’t believe they’d betray us like that, after all we did for them. But you can’t always expect your kids to grow up perfect, no matter how well you raise them and give them the best years of your life.

  3. Vidkun Quisling, he invited the Nazis to invade Norway and got them to put him in charge as prime minister
    Then he reinstated the death penalty for treason and a few years later got convicted for it

  4. Probably Mustache Man. Cowardly killed himself after all the shit he set into motion.

    Erich Ludendorff also comes to mind. Not only was he involved with Hitler and the Nazis during the 1923 coup attempt, he was also involved in getting Lenin back into Russia and start the USSR and everything that followed.

    For the more recent ones, Gas Gerd, Gerhard Schröder (the Chancellor before Merkel) is a prominent one. He now lives in Russia, getting his ass paid for sitting at Gazprom and still defending Putin, as he has been doing since 2000.

    And as an honorable mention, I’d like to call up Konrad Adenauer. Most people know him for being the first Chancellor of post war Germany.

    Let me elaborate. From 1917-1933 he was the Mayor of Cologne and before that, he was a judge. After the Nazis relieved him from his office in 1933, his pension was threatened, so he wrote a 10 page letter to the respective minister telling him how he always “treated the Nazis correctly”. In fact, he allowed them to assemble and use the local sports pitches and let them fly the Nazi Flags, all of which was against official state orders.

    At the time, the states tried to suppress the Nazis, but Adenauer let them do what they wanted. He also welcomed them to Cologne after their election victory.

    Additionally, he refused to help in the Stauffenberg coup. In his defense for that, he was already quite old at the time and expected that the assassination attempt would fail.

    However, the thing that beats it all is that after the war, he went out of his way to blame the church for not tackling the Nazi problem properly and how everyone just let it happen. Dude shifted the entire blame to everyone else while only a decade earlier he boasted about how he supported the Nazis, just to get his money.

    Sure, Adenauer played a big role in re-establishing a German State, but dude was such an asshole and the embodiment of everything that’s been wrong with the CDU (and other big parties) ever since.

    And since we’re at assholes, don’t even get me started on Helmut Kohl!

  5. Man I love your post and your comments, you enrich humanity with your knowledge. Had to say it

  6. Vittorio Emanuele III

    He basically completed the Unification of Italy and then made it go to shit by giving power to the Bald Man

  7. For me it’s a tie between Don Julian, count of Ceuta (paved the way for the muslims to invade Visigoth Spain) and Ferdinand VII (fled to France after a riot, signed the treaty that allowed the French to enter Spain, and came back after we kicked them out to reinstate himself as an absolute monarch)

  8. https://preview.redd.it/flzw82kq21qd1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0bf968245088b757f4db36b10b9fa687f0cf3f

    [Count Corfitz Ulfeldt.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corfitz_Ulfeldt)

    He embezzled money from the state and used it to help fund Sweden in the war of 1657-1658 that led to Denmark losing Scania and Bornholm (although the based Bornholmers threw out the Swedes on their own).

    He’s had a pillory (a stone marking great shame) made in 1663 that still stands in the Nationalmuseum. They also made an effigy of him and performed an execution on it.

  9. 1. Anton Mussert (Leader of the Dutch Nazi Movement and all-round collaborator with the Nazis)
    2. Prince Maurice (Decapitated the prime-minister in 1619 and locked-up his other political rivals to gain more power – maybe not a traitor in the traditional sense, but a traitor to the political institutions)
    3. Prince William V (After being ousted from The Hague, he and the British worked together to get his elite clique of Regents in power again and even got Prussia to invade the country in 1787 to get rid off the Patriotist Movement)

  10. Jean Baptiste Bernadotte (he was fr*nch)

    Sigismund(polish guy who became Sweden’s king and sucked his own dick a lot)

    Hjalmar Hammarskjöld(hammer shield, later called hunger shield) who sucked Germany’s dick during ww1 and threw away trade agreements with the Brits, which would essentially have stopped the hunger crisis.

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