Why has Mark Drakeford been so powerful in Wales for so long?

Why has Mark Drakeford been so powerful in Wales for so long?

by GDW312

1 comment
  1. He is only know for his bad decisions.
    If you actually hear him speak he is a very passionate man who really wants the best for Wales.
    Don’t get me wrong, he has made mistakes, more than a few. But he has also done a lot of good things, and shows he has integrity, and a true passion for our wonderful country.
    Some of his bitterness and frustration against RT Davies is truly commendable. He is attacked by this gibbering fool of a Conservative opposition leader, who offers no real value or political vision.
    Drakford has to put up with that, and still managed to do his job.

    I doubted him, so spent more time looking into his work and came out favouring him. No wonder he’s back.

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