Saturday Chatterday (21 Sep 24)

The Flibble side eye is strong towards those who are making us work on Saturdays.

If you have today off, excellent. Why not chuck on your red gingham dress, and army boots, and drop in for a chat – what’s on for your day?

by dexbydesign89

  1. It’s been 48 hours since I got an extortion email promising to send videos of me pleasuring myself to “speciality” porn to everyone in my contacts unless I paid them a lot of bitcoin. I haven’t paid so fully expect a day of replying to messages from friends, family and coworkers curious as to what I was watching.

  2. Currently sat with my 3 year old while she plays BBC bitesize on the iPad, and I’m scrolling through Reddit looking at dad jokes and typically British situations.

    Later on will be going to Morrisons (purely because the little one wants to go up and down the escalator) then off to see my mam and dad to keep his spirits up with him battling stage four colorectal cancer.

  3. I’m getting my hair dyed at 10.30. I’ve had it copper for a year and am thinking of going brown. Bit nervous as I’ve never had it brown before!

    Then off to a drum and bass/jungle day party. I haven’t seen some of the djs for years so I’m really looking forward to it!

  4. Why do I know this image? From which tortured, forgotten corner of the 90s does this horror lurch?

  5. It’s me bday. Woken up by an insanely raw throat. Less than ideal timing as, of course fucking of course, it’s conference season and work is sending me to a conference tomorrow.

    I hate Septembers sometimes…

  6. Off to a wedding today, it’s in a field so shouldn’t be stuck in a shirt and nice trousers too long.

  7. Woke up to a nicely levelled kitchen floor after using floor levelling compound for the first time yesterday. Very satisfying.

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