CERN prepares to expel Russian scientists — but won’t completely cut ties

CERN prepares to expel Russian scientists — but won’t completely cut ties

Posted by mysticalcookiedough

  1. Fuck Ukraine honestly. Bunch of whiny babies. It’s not like these scientists are personally responsible for the war. Politics should be kept out of science.

  2. This is so dumb. CERN isn’t developing tech to make bigger bombs for Russia to use in Ukraine, it’s a facility to help humanity better understand the universe and its building blocks.

    I understand Ukrainian scientists don’t like being in the same room as the Russian ones, but this sort of science should be universal, regardless of country. The JINR and CERN have been collaborating since the 60s according to CERN themselves, JINR having contributed just as much as it has learned.

    It’s like space exploration, with NASA and Kosmicheskaya programma SSSR collaborating during the Cold War (eg Apollo-Soyuz test project). It’s mental to me that in the height of the Cold War it was more acceptable to work with the opposing side than the regional conflict of Russia and Ukraine today.
    And in the long run this benefits no one. The discoveries made at CERN today aren’t going to be changing the world in a way tangible to you or me, and anything they do discover will be published in a journal that the Russians can read anyway (and attempt to emulate if they’re that way inclined). The only impacts are a further erosion of relations and the ability to find common ground through science.
    Russia might not like what has happened, but it has no baring on the current war, nor will it reduce Russia ability to wage it.

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