Secondary explosion at the ammo depot in Tikhoretsk flings unexploded ordnance into the city causing further explosions.

Secondary explosion at the ammo depot in Tikhoretsk flings unexploded ordnance into the city causing further explosions.

by Smart-Bonus-6589

  1. We can dance if we want to
    We can leave your friends behind
    ′Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don′t dance
    Well, they’re no friends of mine

    Those shells probably.

  2. New Russian technology:
    The ammo depot basically is a cluster munition, spreading some sub-munitions.

  3. Considering how big Russia is I can’t believe they build these ammo stores so close to urban areas. Why would they do that?

  4. Any geeks that recognize the rocket sound?

    Im leaning more towards a mrls round or similair based on sound and smoke cloud, but could also be a undetonated missile.

  5. There is an airfield nearby: 45.87835, 40.10621. Maybe some unexploded ordnance finds its way over there.

    Also, i geolocated the footage to be here: 45.84434, 40.09337. You can see the basketball ground there and the green balcony on street view. This video was taken from the 5th (or 4th) floor.

    [Streetview to the cameras position](,40.0922742,3a,15y,33.27h,93.37t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sGQ9bnHRlLyr8ylmykHrPnA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxOC4xIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D)

    When paning left in street view the red-white chimney gets visible. This means the ordnance flew at least 5,52 km.

    This took me 15 minutes to collect. Its wild how quickly one can find out such things using public information.

    edit: spelling + additional information

  6. Karma is a bitch. We still remember GRU blowing up a Czech ammo depot in 2014. I hope the Czech government will help to finance this attack.

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