Many Russians not returning home

All for money… didn’t work out for these guys.

by JoyceOBcean

  1. I already knew smoking kills, but that one guy brought this to a completely new level

    But seriously, God damn why do we keep saying war is shit while starting 4 new ones..

    I mean this are all young guys… Russians… But still.. Just look at this shit

  2. Smoking Aces. Rapists and Murderers. Messed with the best, died like the rest. The last one enlightened a memorial fire for Butcha.

  3. Remember, these guys came to Ukraine thinking they’re superior to Ukranians, thinking it will be an easy battle just killing Ukranians in their own soil and they have a great army, thinking it will be easy money.

    Well, I guess they found out.

    edit: some grammar

  4. Crazy how you used to have to search shady websites for anything half like this back in the day.

    Now i’m sitting on my toilet taking a shit watching people’s final moments

  5. If these were Americans, there would be a massive uproar and likely a new government within months. The silence of the Russian populace says a lot about their people and culture. Just like the average German was complicit in the crimes of Nazi Germany, so to are the Russian people complicit in the crimes of Putin and his 3-day Special Military Operations.

  6. And I’m sitting here with my morning coffee watching this shit, un-phased. Every day.

    Go the fuck home, russia.

  7. The worst ones for me are the guys who are still alive being consumed by flames they can do nothing about. Gruesome.

  8. Many more will die in order to keep PoohTin in power and keep his ambitions going. It is a sacrifice HE is willing to make.

  9. Putin did this to them. And the Russians so far unbothered by the war personally keep supporting him. I sincerely hope Harris wins the election and Ukraine can keep on defending itself next year. Eventually every Russian will have to start crossing out names of young relatives from their birthday calendar. And by now, they deserve this pain. It’s Afghanistan all over again, Russia sacrificing its youth for imperialistic goals, and they let it happen for the stupidest of reasons.

  10. I have as little emotion seeing this as i scroll for wood for new wood projects…

    I wonder if there are videos out there with Ukrainian soldiers… i rather don’t wanna know..

  11. Such a waste of young lives all because a rich dictator wanted to show how powerful he is. These deaths are on the everyday russian people’s heads. Only they could have stopped it and only they can prevent more of the same. Shame on the russian people.

  12. Did i see a pair of blue frilly panties ? …. And how is that chap with most of his skull emptied out still moving ?

  13. Everyone of them could have taken to arms in order to shoot russian officers and commanders.

    This likely would not have saved their lives but likely would have been a quicker death.

    Most of these people are lied too and did not have any other prospect in life than do as the russian command asked.

    Same for the people in the street. No one would like to be in prison so no one is speaking against the war.

    Russia is a shithole without any justification for existence in the first place.

    It was a shithole Back when the zars were killed and did not get any better…

  14. I knew a simple soldier boy
    Who grinned at life in empty joy,
    Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
    And whistled early with the lark.

    In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
    With crumps and lice and lack of rum,
    He put a bullet through his brain.
    No one spoke of him again.

    You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
    Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
    Sneak home and pray you’ll never know
    The hell where youth and laughter go.

    – Suicide In The Trenches, Siegfried Sassoon, c. WW1
    [shared for educational purposes](

  15. I’m wondering. The number of 70,000 killed ruzzians so far posted by trustworthy media, is that included with or without these guys?😉
    If you see this kind of footage, I probably think the daily number given by the Ukrainians is more likely plausible. (Sorry for my English).

  16. People of Russia – these were your friends, co-workers, husbands, sons, brothers, and uncles. Mothers, these were your babies. Is this what you want for them?

  17. Its reminds me about movie they shall not grow old about WW1.I am 35 years old and never thouht that i would see same shit in 4k quality.

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