Japanese school student stabbed in Shenzhen dies

Japanese school student stabbed in Shenzhen dies


Posted by Phnrcm

1 comment
  1. Brutal. The amount of hate still being taught in China is insane. Especially with regards to Japan.

    Like, I kinda get it, the Japanese made the Nazis look like moderates, and what they did in China (especially Nanking) was horrific, but the deep hatred Chinese people have for Japan and the Japanese is terrifying.

    When I was teaching in China, I had a kid as young as 6 tell me they hate the Japanese and Americans, because they are evil and want to kill them (the kids). They other kids agreed with him. It would be like the French still teaching their kids that everyone in Germany are still evil Nazis.

    That’s the kind of shit well-educated, well-off parents were teaching their kids. So I can only imagine it was even worse in the less educated/more nationalistic parts of the population.

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