Inflation has gotten to the 2p/10p slots!

It must have been about a decade since I last went to the amusements but the state of the 10p slots was awful. Full of key rings, plastic jewellery and weird squishy toys that 10 years ago would have been found in the 2p ones!

The 2p ones all seemed to be filled with sweets like “fun size” wham bars and a single piece of bubblegum.

by littlenymphy

  1. I remember the 10p ones down in Newquay as a kid in the late 90’s had Pokemon cards in them, I was always gutted to be restricted to the 2p ones.

  2. I’ll take that over the ones that use tokens and pay in tickets any day. I want to hear the jingle as coins fall into the return funnel, eager for me to feed them straight back into the machine. I fully expect to walk away with nothing. I don’t need 6 tokens and a knock-off Freddo.

  3. There’s something so seductive about these machines, even as a grown adult. Keep me away! I want the money and all those terrible treasures within.

  4. At least 50% of the coin drop machines in our amusement arcades are still 2p ones. Southend has not moved with the times!

  5. I played ones (2p) by HB leisure and they are set so you get so little return! Forget the prizes, just let me get some 2p’s out please. We all know I’m going to give them back to you!

  6. The physics and engineering of these machines are actually quite clever in how they give the impression of a really unstable coin stack but it’s actually much more stable than it looks.

  7. 2p slots make more money than 10p slots. My old man has an arcade. People happily sit for 4 hours on 2p slots with £20 note, but don’t get the same enjoyment from 10p slots with £20 as it only lasts half an hour, so they either dont use them or they just put in £1 when the coins are overhanging.

  8. After many years of abusing these things, I can confidently say I can rinse one of these with £2 worth of coins in about 10 minutes 😂😂

  9. I hate going to other arcades when I work in one myself. I am always disappointed by the quality of swagging on pusher beds at other arcades compared to my own. Here we cover the beds in prizes, even the 2p beds with decent stuff. Not the best, but better than that, geez.

  10. Yeah 2p machines can suck in some amusements now. I feel the topic comes up here every couple of weeks, but I have never seen more than 10 people on the 10p ones in my lifetime

    If the 2p machine has only a maoam in it, or worse still nothing, I simply won’t play it and they’ll lose out on their money. Added that they push toys further and further back now, it’s not the most appealing

    I still play anytime there’s something half decent in there though

  11. Big up Burnham-On-Sea pier for having decent prizes in their 2p machines. But still wasn’t worth the roughly £30 I ended up sinking into the thing

  12. Wild that you guys have these too. I only see these in super rural American towns in the south.

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