Has anyone in this sub left a tip, ever?

Has anyone in this sub left a tip, ever?

by DougieB18

  1. It’s not like tipping itself is the problem, it’s the absurd tipping culture.

    I’ll always leave a tip at my favourite restaurant, 90% of the time they give me a free dessert, everybody is happy.

    The tip is still just 2 or 3 euros tho, not 20

  2. Yes, but it always depends on the service. The yank mandatory percentage included in the bill is a joke.

  3. I spent a lot of time in the states when I was younger and I found eating out to be an unpleasant experience.

    I want to eat my food, take my time, chat with my friends but the servers simply don’t leave you alone the entire time and try to rush you out the door the second you finish eating.

  4. I used to tip my food delivery guys all the time even tho it was just a five minute drive for them. I’d throw them 2 euro but then the added in most places a €2.50 delivery charge so I give them fuck all now.

    If I go to my local shop and I have a small amount of change I’d say keep it or put it in the box. I’ve never tipped in a restaurant or any other business.

  5. The real question is why do we give a flying fuck about yank customs, especially in this sub?

    Enough with the yank posting.

  6. If the service was good, absolutely. But like 28,40€ => 30€ or something. For one drink I have to take to my table myself? Why should I tip? There was no service

  7. I sometimes tip food delivery couriers when it’s pissing down rain, but I don’t really go to restaurants.

  8. It happened to me in Poland, Hungary and Austria. I fear Europe is getting this bad habit from Ameri*ans starting from the weak ones

  9. I mean servers fight for tips, because they make hundreds per shift sometimes. It’s actually nuts how getting paid a few bucks more an hour is such a pay cut for them.
    (I still don’t support tipping unless it’s a couple bucks though)

  10. back in the good ol’ days, before this card payments, the tip was simply the change.

    the meal costs a total of 46€ or something like that? pay with a 50€ and the change is the tip.

    everyone was happy.

  11. Yeah, I did for the first time in Greece this year cause the waiter was funny was funny as fuck. If I was gay or a women would of let hun fuck me tbh.

  12. Back when I paid for everything with cash, say the bill was £17.68, I’d give £20, wait for my change, take the two pound coins and leave the undesirable shrapnel. That’s about it.

  13. I’ve done bartending and am going into it again. UK economy is pretty shit but I cannot fathom having to rely on tips to survive.

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